Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 1518: Well-deserved, smiling face tiger

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The contradiction between the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty has been revealed in this matter.

The move that Cheng Hefeng just made was clearly a contradiction between the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty.

When she thought about it carefully, she already understood the plan of Cheng Hefeng. Once the contradiction between the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty was planned, then when the Wind Tigers were robbed, the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty would still remain Do not let, stare at each other.

Moreover, the Scorpio dynasty became the reason for their contradictory plans, so they will also notice the Scorpio dynasty when they are fighting.

As a result, the Mingwu Dynasty is likely to be ignored, and they are more likely to win the Wind Tiger.

"It really makes a good means."

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup are covered with a cold light, and the nickname of the smiling face tiger, the famous Wu Dynasty is really worthy of the name.

It’s just a meeting, she’s already aware.

Even when she looked at Cheng Hefeng, Cheng Hefeng showed her a bright and kind smile.

Smiling face tigers have always been extremely dangerous.

Once you get in touch, you will know what a real smile is.

Mo Yunyan stood beside the red makeup, and his face was calm and indifferent.

"The practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty seem to be impulsive, but they are not stupid people."

Hearing the words, Baili red makeup could not help but look at the ink cloud, and suddenly understood the meaning of the ink cloud.

However, practitioners who can participate in the assessment contest are not simple, and the practitioners selected by the large dynasty will not be stupid except for their strength.

Cheng Hefeng wants to use other people and I am afraid that it is not so easy. It seems that this is really a battle.

All the practitioners present were in silence, each looking for a territory of their own to sit down and rest.

It is obvious that it takes a while for the spirit tiger to give birth to a baby. During this time, all they need is to recharge their batteries and prepare them at any time.

Almost all the practitioners have a look of defense, alerting all the practitioners around.

Baili red makeup and other people also sat down in the same place, and today also ran for a short time, and now that there is still time, they also need to adjust their state.

Originally, with their strength, there is no guarantee that they will be able to win the wind and tiger cubs. If the state is not adjusted, the possibility of success is even smaller.

"White lion, how will this wind tiger give birth to a few cubs?"

Xiao He was curious and sat next to the white lion. Obviously, the white lion knows more about the monster than it and Xiao Hei.

Xia Yuqing and others are also curious to see the white lion, they only know how strong this wind spirit tiger is, but it is unclear for Feng Linghu to have several cubs at a time.

If they can, they naturally hope that the more young people who are born, the better.

The white lion glanced at the situation in the cave and slowly said: "There should be three."

The breeding ability of the monsters is also different. The lower the level, the stronger the breeding ability of the monsters. This is why you see the low-level monsters extremely frequently.

The higher the level of the monsters, the weaker their reproductive capacity.

The monsters such as Fenglinghu can only have three left at a time. As for some higher levels, there may be only two or even one.

Just like a white lion who is a beastmaster, there will always be only one, and it is impossible to have a second one at the same time.

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