Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 1520: Opportunistic, 100-mile red makeup

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Just as Baili Red Makeup and Mo Yunzhen guessed the plans of the three great dynasties, Yuan Zhixin noticed that the practitioners of the three great dynasties were indeed whispering.

Although you can't understand what they are saying, it is just like this. They can judge that they should be talking about cooperation.

"So, are we not without a chance?"

Yuan Xiaoman's face is a bit ugly, they are so easy to run into such an opportunity, and now tell them what opportunities are not, this is too depressing.

Moyun's brows are wrinkled. Once the alliance is reached, it is extremely difficult for them to get an opportunity.

Unless they can unite with other practitioners to deal with the three dynasties, just, and not to mention the degree of difficulty of the union, they are not the conditions of this union, they do not.

There are now three Fenglinghu cubs, and the three dynasties can be one dynasty. As a result, their alliance is very solid.

However, they do not have such conditions.

Every team wants to get the Wind Tiger, but if they are looking for a team to deal with the three dynasties, then they need to find more than just three dynasties, but many dynasties.

The idea has just emerged in my mind, and Mo Yun has already dismissed it.

Gong Shaoqing and others have fallen into silence. Under such circumstances, they do not have any means. It is too helpless.

However, just when everyone can't think of a way, the dawn of the red makeup is gradually brightening.

"I have a way."

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, everyone's eyes condensed on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup, and it was difficult to hide the curious color on his face.

"any solution?"

Feel the gaze of everyone on his own body, the red lips and the red lips are lightly opened, and the delicate and small face is filled with a ray of light.

"I can find a way to attract other monsters and cause a big mess."

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Gong Shaoqing and others could not help but think of the same tricks used in the Baiyun Red Makeup when they were in the Luoyun Mountains.

When you think about it, the eyes of everyone will become brighter and brighter.

Indeed, this is really a solution.

Mo Yun looked at the colorful makeup in a strange way. I never thought that there would be such a way to make a hundred red makeup. It is somewhat unexpected.

"Boss, once the monsters are coming, they should be attacking the practitioners indiscriminately. Then the weaker practitioners naturally have no chance, but the teams of the three dynasties still have opportunities."

Xia Yuqing's eyes sparkled with thoughts, and the effect of this move was indeed excellent, but that part of the reason was that the mercenary's strength was not strong enough.

Obviously, the strength of these three dynasty practitioners is not weak, and the variables are not small.

It seems that the red makeup of Baili has already thought of this point. It is like a phoenix of the clear spring. It has never been a little bit swaying, still calm and charming.

"I can focus the monster's attention on the three dynasty practitioners, and other practitioners will be attacked.

As a result, it is much easier for us to fish in troubled waters. ”

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup evoke a enchanting smile, and the fish touches the fish. She has always been good at it.

In the case of this kind of competition, it is too difficult to fight in front, and it is not a good thing to opportunistic.

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