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"Slightly safe."

The look of Mo Yunqi is calmer, and he looks at the situation of the practitioners around him.

"This is a good opportunity, but no practitioner will give up. It is very difficult for Fang Wencheng to drive everyone away."

The colorful makeup of Baili looked at the practitioners around him. As Mo Yunxi said, most of the practitioners continued to sit on their respective sites, only if they did not hear Fang Wencheng.

After Fang Wencheng saw a change in the face of Baili Red Makeup and others, his eyes quietly filled with a smug color. What he wanted was such a consequence.

However, when Fang Wencheng saw that other practitioners had no signs of moving at all, his face once again became difficult to look.

"You didn't hear what I said?"

Fang Wencheng raised his voice, and his sharp and unpleasant eyes swept through the practitioners present.

What a joke!

This group of **** guys dared to take his words as a whisper, this is simply intolerable!

Feel the rising anger in the idioms of Fang Wen, and the practitioners present still do not hear.

As long as no one leaves, they are absolutely impossible to leave.

In the face of a stationary team of practitioners, Fang Wencheng’s anger has reached the top.

Next, Cheng Hefeng and Yu Junfei stood up.

Now they have formed a coalition. If you don't listen to Fang Wencheng, you will not listen to them. This is absolutely intolerable.

"It seems that you don't seem to understand people?"

In Fang Wencheng's eyes, the fierce light is getting deeper and deeper. Turning around and seeing Cheng and Feng two people, at this time, if you don't start the action, it is equivalent to being jokes.

Yu Junfei’s voice also rang. “The practitioners who are leaving now can still have an intact ending. If we wait for us to start, we will inevitably have casualties.”

Yu Junfei’s voice is not as full of anger as Fang Wencheng, but the sullen gas is more threatening.

After seeing the practitioners of the three great dynasties seem to be taking action, the practitioners on the scene were extremely ugly.

If this is the case, they are unwilling.

But if you don't go, once the team of the three great dynasties is in trouble, then they will only have one dead end.

Baili red makeup and other people still sit quietly in the same place, no matter what, they can not leave like this.

The entire area was silent, and there was no other sound besides the voices of the three dynasty practitioners.

Just then, a practitioner stood up and his face was covered with an unremarkable expression.

"Fang Wencheng, this small world is not yours three dynasties.

Since we have come here, it is natural that everyone has an opportunity. Why do you let us go, we have to go? ”

The man’s voice was loud, and he turned directly to look at other practitioners.

"Don't be afraid of them, we have a lot of people. As long as we unite, the three dynasties can't help us!"

Listening to the words of the men, a group of practitioners nodded in the presence, and the original nervous and twinkling eyes suddenly became firm.

As the man said, the number of practitioners in the three dynasties is not as much as they are.

Even if their strength is strong, how?

As long as they unite, the practitioners of the three great dynasties cannot compete with them!

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