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As the first practitioner fled in the distance, many practitioners fled.

They can no longer continue to withstand the attack of these monsters, the persistence of the battle of the monsters is stronger than them, plus so many monsters besieged together, the first one has not been solved, this second monster It has already come up.

As a result, they simply couldn’t see each other and only felt that the power in their bodies was passing by.

If they continue this way, they will only have one dead end, so they only have one choice.

Compared with other practitioners, the practitioners of the three great dynasties undoubtedly persisted for a longer time.

Because their strength is not comparable to ordinary practitioners.

Yu Junfei and Cheng Hefeng constantly kill the monsters in front of them, and with their strength, the speed of dealing with these monsters is not slow.

However, the number of these monsters is too much, so they can't solve them for a while.

"Why are these monsters attacking us like crazy?"

Yu Junfei's face is full of incomprehensible colors. He believes that everything is for a reason. They can never be attacked by these monsters for no reason.

"I don't know, this situation is really weird."

Cheng Hefeng shook his head, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t think of it.

From the time they participated in the assessment contest, they have never encountered such a strange situation.

It is also very strange to say that these monsters are all about saving the wind and the tiger.

Because there is never such help between the monsters.

As for the human factor, they can't believe it because they simply can't think of anyone who can do it.

Therefore, they can only deal with these monsters in a fog.

"Just, the number of these monsters is so much, and we can't hold it for a long time." Yu Junfei said helplessly.

Cheng Hefeng’s face is also very ugly. “If we can’t keep going, we can only leave.”

Compared with Cheng Hefeng and Yu Junfei's appearance, Fang Wencheng's situation is not as optimistic as they are.

He only felt that he could not persist, and his mental strength was extremely tight. If he was not careful, he might be thrown to the ground by the monster.

Faced with so many monsters, once he is knocked down to the ground, then there is only one dead end.

"This situation is really evil!"

Fang Wencheng sipped a bite and his eyes were filled with angry light.

No matter what, no matter how unwilling he is in his heart, he can only choose to give up in such a situation.

"I go first!"

After Fang Wencheng left a sentence, he turned into a rainbow mangling and swarmed forward. He could no longer continue to persist here.

Seeing that Fang Wencheng left, the practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty also followed suit, and they were also struggling to cope with these monsters.

However, the monsters did not stop attacking because of the departure of Fang Wencheng and others, but followed them to catch up, as if they didn't know if they didn't stop.

Suddenly, only the famous Wu Dynasty and Yunjian dynasty practitioners near the cave were still struggling.

However, taking advantage of their hard support, people such as Baili Red Makeup can judge that they will not last long.

A touch of joy has quietly emerged on the faces of the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty. This plan, they succeeded!

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