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Baili red makeup and other people slowly walked forward, and Feng Linghu suddenly screamed after he noticed the movements of Baili Red Makeup and others.


Feng Linghu stood up and stood up, his eyes were fierce. Obviously, as long as the red makeup and other people have movements, it will definitely rush.

Taking advantage of such a windy tiger, the look of Bailihong makeup and other people has changed a bit.

They can clearly see the scars on the Wind Tiger, the child who is already very serious but still protecting it.


Seeing that the red-haired makeup and other people are getting closer and closer, the wind-spirited tiger once again screams out, but only from that voice can hear its external strength.

Feng Linghu quickly rushed to the front of the hundred-mile red makeup and other people, sticking out his claws and immediately wanted to pounce on the red makeup and other people.


Just then, another scream sounded.

This scream is far more amazing and more powerful than the screaming of the Wind Tiger.

The white lion jumped up from the shoulders of the red makeup and stood in front of the wind tiger.

Along with the snoring of the white lion, the spirit of the wind and spirit tiger suddenly changed, the body could not help but fall, afraid to look at the white lion.

This is the power of the Beastmaster!

The white lion is somewhat proud, and these days have been practicing with the master in the desert world, but the guys there simply ignore it.

The dignity of its beastmaster is despised by the red fruit!

For this matter, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai can laugh at it more than once.

Today it is finally a chance to make a big splash!

God of the Beastmaster, in addition to the desert world, it can still surrender the monster!

Feng Linghu looked at the red makeup and other people in fear. It is hard to believe that he will see the Beastmaster here. Moreover, the Beastmaster has become a human beast?

So how strong are these humans?

Feng Linghu simply can't imagine.

Baili red makeup turned to the head and Xia Yuqing and other humanities: "You go to the wind and tiger cubs."

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, Xia Yuqing and others nodded slightly, even as they walked into the cave.

They have been paying attention to the movements of the caves all the time, ensuring that no other practitioners have mixed in during this time.

In a short while, Xia Yuqing and others will hold three wind-spirited tiger cubs.

These three wind tigers are still very young, and they don’t know what happened outside.

After seeing the three cubs, the wind spirit tiger also softened his eyes.

The red makeup put the cub in front of the Fengling Tiger. Facing such a windy tiger, she had to admit that it was a bit cruel to take her child away.

Gong Shaoqing and others are also silent in this scene. They have some doubts about whether they are doing this right.

The hundred-mile red makeup slowly walked to the side of Fengling Tiger. The eyes of Fengling Tiger were full of vigilance, but only because of the majesty of the Beastmaster, it just stayed in place.

Baili red makeup helps the wind to check the wounds. Before the fight, Fenglinghu has been scarred.

After feeling the goodwill of the hundred-mile red makeup, the tight body of the wind-spirited tiger was relaxed, and the eyes of the people were slightly softened.

Its body is covered with scars everywhere, and the pain is unbearable.

Mo Yunqi and others stood quietly, watching the movement of the red-brown makeup, a kind of aura of goodwill lingering from the hundred-mile red makeup, letting their hearts tremble.

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