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With the voice of Xia Yuqing falling, everyone looked at the red makeup.

In fact, they have never seen a sealer or how a sealer seals a monster.

However, it is definitely not a simple matter to know that a seal is a rare number of people from a sealer.

Although the red makeup told them that she would seal, this is really doubtful.

This seal is obviously not accessible to ordinary practitioners. In some small dynasties, there is no way for a sealer to exist.

The identity before the red makeup is the general of the generals of Fengbo, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to contact all of this.

However, when thinking about the incredible things that happened to the red makeup, they felt that this was not impossible.

Therefore, everyone is just staring at the red makeup, waiting for the former to give them the answer.

Mo Yunyi also looked at the colorful makeup in the same strange way. He had seen the sealer. Every sealer was a high-ranking presence, and there were certain quirks.

In short, it is not a good person to deal with.

Moreover, the sealers he has seen are very old.

It is said that the possibility of a young sealer failing is high. Once the seal fails, the life of the monster will be lost.

Therefore, young sealers can only try to seal some monsters that only have an ornamental effect.

This is the case, the possibility of failure is still very high.

The higher the level of the monster, the more difficult it is to seal and the higher the failure rate.

It is very difficult to think about the age of the red makeup to seal the Fengling Tiger.

The Baili Red Makeup looked at the three Fengling Tigers in front of him, and then smiled: "We will wait for the dynasties to search for the past and then seal them."

Sealing is a method that requires patience and often requires an absolutely quiet environment and meticulousness.

Because every time there is a slight deviation, it may lead to the failure of the seal.

This requirement is even higher than the inscription, which is why sealers are scarce.

The failure of the inscription is just a waste of material, but once the seal fails, it is the life of a newborn monster.

At first, she was the owner of the Baili family. The young people in the family were in great need of the contract beast. There was no sealer in the family.

Every time a hundred miles of the owner hunt down the demon beast, the sealer needs an expensive fee and human feelings, and sometimes he can't come back.

Under such circumstances, she learned the seal technique herself in anger.

Fortunately, her mental strength was originally very strong, coupled with the cultivation of alchemy, the mental strength of cultivation is more acute, which makes her a bit more to learn the seal.

Rao is a good talent, but she also spent a lot of time studying.

Since then, the seal of the contracted beast in the family has been handed over to her, and in this practice, her seal consciousness is getting better and better, and it saves the family a lot of money.

However, after her inexplicable fall, the family had to go back to the sealer...

Listening to the words of the hundred-mile red makeup, everyone nodded, and this focused attention outside.

I only hope that those practitioners will leave soon, and I hope that this cave is hidden enough to be discovered by other practitioners.

Now they are also nowhere to hide, only hope that other practitioners have not seen this cave, otherwise it is really troublesome.

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