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Baili red makeup and other people stayed in the cave for a day and a night. After the white lion released the breath, the monsters did not dare to approach the surroundings.

Originally, everyone was relaxed after waiting for all the practitioners to leave, but Mo Yunyi still reminded everyone that others might come back again.

At the beginning, everyone still didn't believe it, but the last fact clearly told them that it was all true.

In the latter half of the night, the practitioners of the Mingwu Dynasty returned once again and searched the area again. They finally left without discovering their existence.

Until then, there was no movement of other team cultivators, and everyone was completely relieved.

"The practitioner of this Wu Dynasty is really not very powerful. It is really rigorous to do things with the wind and the wind.

If it’s not Mo Yun reminded us, I’m afraid we really have to be discovered. ”

Yuan Zhixin’s face is difficult to conceal the sigh of color. Who can think that there will be practitioners coming back to check again in the middle of the night.

The heart of the hundred-mile red makeup also had some emotions. As she expected, the practitioners of the famous dynasty in the ranks of the three great dynasties were the most savvy and clever.

The fact is also true. This journey of the wind and the wind makes people feel a sense of horror.

In contrast, the Qinglin dynasty and the Yunjian dynasty practitioners have to deal with a lot.

"Fortunately, we found this cave, otherwise we really have to escape all the way."

Bai Junyu's face is full of smiles, and he said, all this is really destined.

If you didn't accidentally discover this cave, it would be a lot worse than wanting to come to them.

Listening to the word escape, the three beasts couldn’t help but look at each other.

The most annoying thing they are now is to escape!

In the desert world, they experience a flight almost every day, and that is a life-and-death escape.

"What do we do now? Continue to stay in place?" Yuan Xiaoman could not help but ask.

In the eyes of Mo Yun, he looked at the light of thought, and his voice was deep and confident. "The best way we can do now is to stay here.

The cultivators of each dynasty can't find it in the forest. We will definitely wait for us in the vicinity of the city. Once we go to the city, we will be discovered.

Only stay here is the best choice. ”

Hearing the words, Dongfang could not help but frown. "So, are we staying here during this time?"

In the three dynasties, the unwillingness to give up, I think it is impossible to leave the city in a short time.

In this way, they are equal to being trapped here.

"We need to stay here for the time being. I believe that the three dynasties will not be able to stay in the city for a long time, and will soon leave."

The bright and bright light in the eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup, the practitioners of the three great dynasties are full of confidence in themselves.

Because, in the end, they will all appear in one place.

As long as the practitioners of the three great dynasties found them before, then this wind and soul tiger still belongs to them.

Hearing, everyone nodded, and now they have such a choice.

"When we are outside, we will first complete the contract with the Fenglinghu cub.

In this way, even if we meet the practitioners of other dynasties, they can do nothing. ”

The hundred-mile red makeup blinked, and the smile was a bit proud.

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