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Bai Junyu noticed that Xia Yuqing’s look seemed a little different, and he could not help but flash a doubtful color.

"Yu Qing, did you want to say something?"

Xia Yuqing looked up and saw that both Yuan Xiaoman and Bai Junyu looked at themselves with concern, then shook their heads, "No."


Bai Junyu retracted his eyes with some disappointment. He wanted to confess to Xia Yuqing more than once, but he could not speak at every critical moment.

Moreover, he recently faintly felt that the distance between Yu Qing and him was gradually alienating, but he did not understand what it was, it was really depressing.

He wants to find a chance to ask Qi Qing and worry that it is just his own mistake.

If Yu Qing does not like him, then once he confesses, their relationship will become especially embarrassing.

At the thought of this, he could not say more.

"Jun Yu, what is your name for the contract beast after you have contracted?"

Yuan Xiaoman asked the Bai Junyu while teasing the windy tiger cub in front of him.

Hearing the words, Bai Junyu thought about it, and then looked at Xia Yuqing next to him, saying: "Yu Qing, what is your name?"

Xia Yuqing had a slight glimpse, and she couldn’t help thinking about it. She had never thought about this before.

Once the contract is made, she has to give the contract beast a name.

Just, what is the name?

Xia Yuqing frowned, and it was not easy to name it.

Suddenly, Xia Yuqing's gaze fell on Xiaohei and Xiaobai. The name of the boss is so simple. She will follow the boss when she takes the name.

"My contract beast name is called Xiaofeng."

Xia Yuqing smiled slightly, and Feng Linghu, she took the first word, not only remembered, but also a type with Xiaoheibai.

As a result, it is very cooperative.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded after hearing Xia Yuqing's name. It wasn't just that the owner had no talent to name him, and Xia Qingqing couldn't go anywhere.

At this time, there is another contract beast to accompany them, and they are also happy to see.

After hearing the name of the hundred-mile red makeup, Bai Junyu immediately understood the origin of the name, and immediately had an idea in his mind.

"In this case, then my contract beast is called a little tiger, simple and easy to remember."

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but look at Bai Junyu, a small wind, a little tiger, just as their contract beasts are Fenglinghu, which is excellent.

Yuan Xiaoman frowned, his mind constantly thinking, saying: "Then my contract beast is called Xiaoling, so it adds up to the wind and the tiger, how good?"

With the voice of Yuan Xiaoman falling, Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu also nodded slightly, but the heart could not help but produce a few different things.

After the words of Ms. Shao Shaoqing and others who were originally practicing, the helplessness of the heart was deeper and deeper.

This complex triangle love continues to develop in this way, and what they will become in the future is really unclear.

I want to remind Bai Junyu that they can't understand Xia Yuqing's mind.

In fact, Xia Yuqing has never revealed her thoughts.

When Yuan Xiaoman didn't join the team at the beginning, Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu also looked like this.

Yuan Xiaoman is also a good girl. Since she likes Bai Junyu and is working hard, they can't stop it.

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