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When everyone was curious to look at the monster eggs, Mo Yunqi slowly walked to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup.

The handsome and clear face has a hint of concern. "How are you?"

He knew that the sealer needed to consume a lot of mental power when he sealed the seal. He noticed the pale face and weak look of the hundred-mile red makeup.

I want to come, before the red makeup has never come out because the consumption is too big, one or a half will not be able to come out.

His impression of the seal is not too young, the strength is quite strong, and the mental power is even more amazing.

It is already amazing to be able to seal with the strength and age of the hundred-mile red makeup. Not only that, but the seal of the hundred-year-old red makeup is still the wind and the tiger, which is even more unbearable.

Logically speaking, this is simply impossible, but now it happens in front of him, and he does not allow him to believe.

Feeling the care of the ink cloud, Baili red makeup smiled slightly and said: "I am fine, just consume a little big, and I can recover after a while."

"The consumption of mental energy will not be fully recovered for a while, you have to rest well, this kind of thing is not anxious, don't desperately."

The dark and sturdy Jun Hao reveals a bit of emotion, and there is a slight distress in the depths of his eyes.

As he spends more and more time with the red makeup, he becomes more aware of the personality of the work of the red makeup.

No matter what, she always tries her best to do her best.

For this, Rao is a lot of men who are self-satisfied, she is always so sunny, so beautiful, so impressive.

The longer he gets along, the more intense his inner feelings are.

The red makeup of Baili did not notice the change of the look of the ink cloud, and immediately smiled and said: "I understand, rest assured."

It is indeed impossible to carry out the second seal in her current state, at least for a while before she can slow down.

Otherwise, not to mention her physical state, once there is a mistake, the seal will fail.

They spent so much effort to get three wind-soul tiger cubs, and they must not treat them like this.

After Xia Yuqing and others observed the demon egg for a while, they returned to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup and cared: "Boss, how are you?"

Xia Yuqing was a little annoyed, she even looked at the animal and did not notice the body of the boss.

I want to come, the boss's seal is also very expensive.

Baili red makeup smiled, "I am fine, don't worry."

Said, the eyes of the hundred red makeup fell on the monster egg, and then said: "This monster egg has been sealed successfully, you only need to drop the blood on it and carry it on July."

Hearing, Xia Yuqing nodded slightly, and then sat down beside the red makeup. "Boss, thank you."

If it wasn’t for the hundred-mile red makeup that came up with a solution to the various dynasties, they would never have been able to get the youngsters of Fenglinghu.

If it is not the boss who successfully seals the Fengling Tiger with a seal, she will not be able to get a Fenglinghu contractor.

The hundred-mile-red makeup squinted at Xia Yuqing, and the lips were filled with a smile. "With the feelings between you and me, it is too much to say that."

Just as Xia Yuqing gave her the harlequin to her, they never counted these.

Although the seal will consume some mental strength, it can also exercise mental strength, and there is no harm.

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