Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 1558: I don't join the martial art!

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After two days of daring red makeup, she finally sealed the remaining two Fenglinghu cubs successfully.

For the 100% success rate of Bailihong makeup, Mo Yunqi and others have no other ideas besides admiration.

Every time what red makeup does, people have an unspeakable shock. They have already understood this for a long time.

Both Bai Junyu and Yuan Xiaoman are in the process of contracting. Xia Yuqing has already completed the contract two days ago. At this moment, Xiaofeng is comfortably lying in her arms, and she can't see her relatives.

Moyun squatted beside the red makeup, and they chatted without a problem.

"Which martial art are you going to join after this assessment contest is over?"

Baili red makeup curiously looked at the ink cloud, and other people naturally do not have to say, they will all join the Tianzhu Zong.

However, she has been with Mo Yunxiao for such a long time, and she has never heard of Mo Yunxiao talking about this aspect.

Mo Yun smiled and glanced at the hundred-mile red makeup. "Want to invite me to join Tianzhu Zong?"

The hundred-mile red makeup shrugged. "If you like, it is naturally excellent."

They originally participated in the assessment contest on behalf of the team of Tian Yizong. After joining their team, Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman had already made up their minds to join Tianzhuzong.

As a result, they will still be able to get together after the end of the assessment contest.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Yunyi reveals a mystery, and rarely talks about his own ideas, so everyone does not know what he thinks.

Now that the assessment contest is about to end, it is inevitable to talk about this topic.

Mo Yunxiao chuckled and said: "I don't plan to join any martial art."

When the words came out, the red makeup could not help but blink for a moment, and looked at the ink cloud strangely.

For a long time, she only had the martial art that she wanted to enter in her mind, but she never thought that Mo Yunyi would not intend to join the martial art from beginning to end.

After all, there are many sects in the Sheng Xuan mainland. Although Tianzhuzong is a relatively famous one, there are still many famous martial art.

However, with her understanding of Moyun, his remarks should not be a lie.

In the minds of the hundred-year-old red makeup, there are thousands of thoughts, and the redness of the hundred-mile red makeup shines brightly. There is a hint of thought in my mind.

Perhaps, Mo Yunqi was originally a martial art person, just as Han Xiyi was originally a practitioner of Tianzhu Zong, but still came to participate in the assessment contest.

She and Mo Yunxiao have known each other, and now I feel that there is a feeling that people can't see through.

If he is really a cultivator in the martial art, or if he is a bit higher, then all of this can be connected in series.

Noticing the change in the look of the red makeup, the ink cloud did not speak.

With the cleverness of the hundred-mile red makeup, I believe she will guess something.

After having some speculation in the heart, Bailihong makeup is no longer asking more questions. If Moyun wants to say it, he must have already said it.

Since Mo Yunyi has never said much, she will not ask too much.

Because they are friends.

Baili red makeup looked at the contract process of Bai Junyu and Yuan Xiaoman from the sight. Fortunately, Fengling Tiger is not as perverted as the white lion.

When she contracted with Baishi, she was shocked by her. I believe everyone will complete the contract very smoothly.

The hundred-mile red makeup licked the hair and looked at the distance.

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