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This look, Fang Wencheng and Yu Junfei are also dumbfounded.

This must be wrong?

The same idea emerged in Fang Wencheng and Yu Junfei's mind. After watching it carefully, they saw the shocked eyes of the other party and they were sure that they were not mistaken.

This is simply impossible!

Fang Wencheng and Yu Junfei couldn’t help but think, this should not be the means by which the Scorpio dynasty deliberately made it?

However, the fluctuation of that contract is very obvious, and it is not intended to be disguised as a disguise.

What kind of joke?

The practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty only disappeared for a few days, and they have already completed the contract. What efficiency is this?

The most important thing is, where did the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty come from?

The sealer has always been a rare existence, and only the young practitioners appear in the assessment contest. It is impossible to have a sealer. How did the Tianzhu Zong practitioners do it?

Just looking at the expression of the captains of the three dynasties, the practitioners present guessed the real situation, and the heart was equally shocked.

"My God, will not be true?"

"Don't you see Cheng and Feng, are they all silent? It must be true, otherwise they can't be such expressions."

"The practitioners of this dynasty dynasty are really not allowed. In this assessment contest, they can contract with the monsters.

In addition to them, in other dynasties, I really can't find such an example. ”

Just as they have been in the small world for almost two years, they have been searching for the demon beast.

However, even if they found the monsters, they could not successfully contract with them. On the contrary, they might be robbed by other practitioners.

Therefore, many practitioners can only give up this idea.

Although the contract beast is important, life is more important, and it must not be affected by the contract beast.

Fang Wencheng didn’t know what to say at the moment. What the Scorpio dynasty did was really speechless.

"Cheng Gongzi, you have already seen it." Baili red makeup is still indifferent, with a hint of light smile.

Xia Yuqing and others have a little bit of vigilance in their eyes. If the other party wants to do it, they will be ready for the first time.

Cheng Hefeng looked at the red makeup with amazement, then smiled and said: "I believe, you good means, I will not participate in this matter."

"Thank you."

Cheng Hefeng took a deep look at the hundred-mile red makeup and asked again: "Hundreds of girls, there is something unknown, I want to ask you for some."

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, "Cheng Gongzi please."

"I don't know where you found the sealer?"

Rao is smart and windy. At this moment, he can't think of how Baili Red Makeup and others did it.

The sealer, even if he got the Wind Tiger, did not guarantee that he would be able to find a sealer to help him seal.

As everyone knows, the price of the sealer to seal the monster is always small.

The practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty were able to do so easily. One seal is three monsters, and they have all been sealed successfully. This is too surprising.

With the voice of Cheng Hefeng falling, Fang Wencheng and Yu Junfei were also curious to see the red makeup.

For this result, they also don't understand.

The red lips of the hundred-mile make up a bright and bright arc, and the voice is light and sweet.

"I am."

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