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Rao is a hundred-mile red makeup who got Fang Wencheng's points, and it should not be enough for her to get such a place.

Because the more the position is, the bigger the gap between the points.

What's more, there is another ink cloud!

Is it difficult to make the first and second place in the red makeup and the ink cloud?

Thinking of this kind of possibility, Cheng Hefeng and Yu Junfei couldn't help but **** a cold air. If it is such a result, then the performance of the Scorpio dynasty is too much against the sky!

"Second place, ancient swords!"

Along with Gu Taihong's voice, everyone only saw the name on the top of the list, and a name was clearly presented more than the name of the practitioner below.

A scream of screams broke out in the crowd, and the practitioners of the ancient sword team were delighted.

Such achievements, no matter when you talk about it, can be a witness of strength!

However, Gu Jianzhong was not so happy. He thought that his points would be the first, but he never thought that someone would score more points than him.

Listening to the name of the ancient sword, the practitioners of the Scorpio dynasty could not help but be dumbfounded.

"Why is there no name for the ink cloud? Is it missing between us?"

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but wonder, it would be too strange, and Mo Yun's points should be higher than them!

"There is only one first place left now..."

Gong Shaoqing's look is a bit complicated, and this situation makes them somewhat incomprehensible. This proves that this last name is not a hundred-mile red makeup or a dark cloud.

After seeing the incredible appearance of everyone, the red makeup slowly opened, "Mo Yunyi gave me his points."

As soon as this was said, Xia Yuqing and others were dumbfounded.

A pair of eyes looked at the colorful makeup, and only wondered if he had misunderstood.

"Boss, ink cloud will give you the points? Then he..."

In the following, Xia Yuqing did not say anything, but everyone already understood.

If Mo Yunyi gave the points to the red makeup, wouldn’t it mean that there would be no place for the ink cloud?

Why did Mo Yunqi do this?

Why did Mo Yunqi suddenly leave?

For a time, everyone only thought that they could not understand more.

With their understanding of red makeup, she is absolutely impossible to force the points of the ink cloud, then there is only one possibility - Mo Yun 珏 voluntarily gave.

As everyone knows, practitioners come to participate in the assessment contest, in order to obtain the qualification to enter the martial arts practice.

Mo Yun Qilian points have given up, is that he does not intend to enter the martial art or what?

If you don't plan to enter the martial art, why should you come to participate in the assessment contest?

Everyone was confused, which really gave them a big impact.

They have been with Mo Yunxiao for so long, but they never heard what Mo Yun said about this.

Faced with the strange eyes of everyone, Bailihong makeup slowly said: "He doesn't need it."

In the name of Mo Yunyan, there is no need for such a ranking and points, so he gave all the points to himself, in order to ensure that he can get the first place.

Even if she didn't know how many points were in the second place, she could predict that the second place would be a big difference with her.

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, the doubts in the eyes of Xia Yuqing and others have not only dissipated, but have become more intense. Why is it not necessary?

However, everyone did not ask again, and there must be a reason for this.

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