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Baili Red Makeup is the number one in the list of 100. She chose to enter Tianzhu Zong Nature is no problem, but they can only draw lots. What can I do?

They made up their minds to cultivate in the same sect. The shareholdings were divided into different sects. It would be harder to get together again in the future!

They have been together for so long, and they have long been used to being together.

If they were to be separated, this is not what they want to see.

"Boss, will we be separated like this?"

Xia Yuqing's long eyebrows were screwed together. She had previously made a note to stay with the boss.

If her luck is not good and she has not been drawn to Tianzhu, what can I do?

Gong Shaoqing and others also frowned. As long as they can enter the martial art, it is a happy thing for them.

Just, if they can, they naturally hope they can still get together.

When I heard Xia Qingqing, it was only after the thoughts of Bailihong makeup that I came back from my own thoughts.

"It shouldn't be, there is a way for Beibei." Baili red makeup smiled.

They are the team that participated in the assessment contest on behalf of Tian Yizong, and the elders who want to come to other sects will understand.

As long as Emperor Beibei said a word, they should all be able to enter Tianzhu.

After all, they were able to participate in the assessment contest on behalf of Tian Yizong, which proves that they are the practitioners of the Tianzhu Zong.

I want to come to this situation in the assessment contest, and the elders of other sects will understand.

"Now, the top ten practitioners in the top 100, which martial art you choose to join, stand in front of the corresponding sect elders." Gu Taihong said.

With the voice of Gu Taihong falling, the top ten practitioners are moving forward, only they have the opportunity to choose.

Many practitioners' eyes have fallen on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup. I don't know which martial art the glaze will choose to enter.

When a group of practitioners chose, suddenly, on the high platform, a golden figure leaped down and walked directly into the crowd.

Taking advantage of this golden figure, the practitioners present in the field showed a strange color.

On top of this high platform, Emperor Beibei was the most eye-catching. At this time, Emperor Beibei made such a special move. They were really curious about what he was going to do.

"What is this to do with Emperor Shaozong?"

When Gu Taihong saw that Emperor Beibei suddenly jumped into the high platform without saying a word, he could not help but see a strange color.

Taking advantage of Gu Taihong’s doubts, Yun’s parents laughed and said: “The fiancee of Emperor Shao’s lord also participated in the assessment contest, and this time he should pick up his fiancee.”

As soon as this was said, the elders on the high platform all showed the light of understanding.

The age of Emperor Beibei is very young and his fiancee comes to participate in the assessment contest. It is normal for him to pick up.

"It seems that the marriage contract between Emperor Shao and the Han girl is about to be held." Cloud parents always said.

However, when Yun’s parents talked about Korean girls, an elder could not help but wonder: “I heard that the fiancee of Emperor Shao’s lord is not a Han girl, but a Baili girl.”

Cloud parents frown, "How is it possible? The Emperor Shaozong and the Han girl are not always a pair of heavenly creations?"

"You can't get any news of this news. This situation changed two years ago!"

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