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"Scorpio dynasty, the name of this dynasty I have never heard of, the red makeup is the wife of the Sovereign Sovereign, the name ... it will not be taken out by them?"

I don't know which practitioners have said their own conjectures, and the practitioners present have been stunned for a moment, and the dawn has gradually changed.

The name of the Scorpio dynasty was extremely loud in the assessment contest, but in fact no one has ever heard of the term Scorpio Dynasty.

At this moment, they are connected with Tianzhuzong. They think that this is really likely to be fabricated!

"It's no wonder that the red makeup will be played with Han Xi. So, they are love rivals!"

"However, the strength of the hundred-mile red makeup can be stronger than that of Hanxi, and it seems that it is also very good with the emperor!"

"This is the real genius, you should not dream!"

The original smug woman had already understood when she saw the emperor’s stop in front of the hundred-mile red makeup.

It turned out that Emperor Beibei did not laugh at her at all, but because she happened to be standing in front of the hundred-mile red makeup, she misunderstood it.

From the beginning to the end, Emperor Beibei looked like a hundred-mile red makeup, and all her fantasies seemed particularly ridiculous at the moment.

Compared with this woman, a group of practitioners only feel that the object is a hundred red makeup and they are much better in their hearts.

After all, the achievements of the Baili Red Makeup are good enough that they can't match.

The human heart is like this. When the lucky one is a person who is not much different from you, my heart is always unbalanced, and I will be jealous, resentful, and dissatisfied.

But when the other party becomes unreachable, everyone will only feel envious and take it for granted.

The current red makeup is like this in their eyes. She is too good, they can't stop it.

In the next sigh, in the eyes of everyone, Emperor Beibei directly put the hundred-mile red makeup into his arms.

Suddenly hugged by the emperor, the red makeup could not help but blink for a moment, and the clearness was a bit strange, and the body was a bit stiff.

Feeling the familiar temperature and fragrant smell in the body, Emperor Beibei only felt that his heart has been numb in the past two years and finally began to beat again.

"You are back, it's good."

After all, she returned to her side safely, as it did two years ago.

Listening to the full of thoughts in the ear, the slightly tight body of the red makeup is relaxed, and the affection of the eyes is more gentle and deep.

"I said, I will come back safely."

Two years ago, she promised that she would return safely and return to his side.

And he promised to pick her up and never let her suffer any grievances.

In the two years of separation, the feelings between them never faded. On the contrary, with the passage of time, this relationship became deeper and thicker.

Rao is on both sides, they never questioned the feelings between them.

Rao never contacted, but their hearts never separated.

From the moment they decided to join hands together, they were already living and dying.

Xia Yuqing and others glared at the colorful makeup of the two hundred people, and their faces showed a happy smile.

In spite of the feelings of Emperor Beibei and Baili Red Makeup, Rao is also deeply impressed by them.

A lot of things are not so easy to do, but the emperor and the red makeup have always been so firm and never changed.

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