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From the first time I saw Moyun, I knew that Mo Yunyi liked red makeup.

His eyes were sharp and sharp, with a trace of war and alertness, never concealing his feelings for red makeup.

Then in the conversation with Mo Yunxiao, Mo Yunyi also said this all out.

He also investigated the identity of the ink cloud, but the identity of the ink cloud is extremely good, hidden, and does not leave a trace of clues.

From that moment on, he already knew that the identity of the ink cloud was not simple.

It is impossible to investigate the true identity of the ink cloud by his means, which is enough to prove that the strength behind the ink cloud is not weaker than itself.

However, he did not think that Mo Yunqi would actually be the owner of the tower.

In the Sheng Xuan mainland, the Tiantian Tower is a very special existence, and the reputation of the Shaotian Tower is extremely loud.

The only different lords of the sky have never seen people in the true face, so no one knows what the lord of the sky is.

Even if he appears in front of you, you can't recognize it.

The identity of Mo Yunqi is not the place that surprised him the most. He is surprised that Mo Yunqi will come to participate in the assessment contest.

Almost the first time, Emperor Beibei knew about the purpose of Mo Yunyi participating in the assessment contest.

He is coming for red makeup!

As a Mo Yunyi, he does not need to participate in the assessment contest. It can be said that no one in this assessment contest will be his opponent.

Well, this answer is already obvious.

If this is not the case, Xia Yuqing and others will not recognize the ink cloud at a glance, and the expression is still so surprised.

The eyes of Emperor Beibei and Moyunyu became sharp and tit-for-tat at the same time. The sparks of countless collisions were spreading, but only the two of them knew.

The sense of touch between the rivals is always obvious.

Soon, Mo Yunyi took the lead to regain his gaze, and glanced deeply at the hundred-mile red makeup, and then disappeared into the assessment contest together with the practitioners of Haotianlou.

The elders on the high platform were also puzzled after seeing this scene. The practitioners of the towers wanted to talk very little, even if they met, they would not say hello.

For this, they have long been used to it.

However, what they don’t understand is why the young master of the Sky Tower is here.

“It’s anecdotal that the young master of Haotianlou actually participated in the assessment contest.”

"It doesn't make any sense to participate in the assessment contest with his strength. Is there any special place in this assessment contest?"

"I don't know, the character of the Sky Tower has always been very different. I was the first time I saw the Lord of the Sky Tower, but I still can't see the true look."

The elders shook their heads, and the mavericks of the Sky Tower had already become famous, and they would not go too far.

Xia Yuqing and others screamed at the departure of Mo Yunyi and his party did not say anything.

Because the inner shock is too big, they can't believe that the teammates who have been with them for so long will be the landlord of the sky.

The problems that others think of, they can naturally think of it.

Mo Yunqi does not need to participate in the assessment contest at all, and in his capacity it is impossible to be crowded out by the practitioners of the Qianfeng dynasty.

He deliberately joined their team, all the way to the present, and finally handed over all the points to the red makeup, and now it is not a direct departure.

What is all this for?

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