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"We are finally back!"

Xia Yuqing's face was full of excitement, and the scene that happened to them at the School of Deaf School two years ago was still impressive. Now I am back again, only to feel the joy and nostalgia.

"Boss, we were here to meet."

Xia Yuqing pointed to the restaurant on the side and looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. If it wasn’t the problem that Tong Yuyi took the initiative to find the boss, I was afraid that she had no chance to become friends with the boss, and it was impossible to go to the present step.

In the end, Xia Weiqing is somewhat grateful to Tong Yuyi.

If there is no nursery rhyme, how can she achieve her present?

Looking in the direction pointed by Xia Yuqing, the smile of the lips of the red lips rose a bit, saying: "Yes, we were here to meet."

Gong Shaoqing and Dong Fangyi looked at each other and their faces were full of smiles. "It seems that we are going to Yunyaju to drink tonight."

"I haven't come back for a long time, but I miss the taste of Yunyaju wine!"

"Me too!" Xia Yuqing agreed.

"I want to eat too, I want to eat too!"

The three beasts were excited when they heard that they were immediately eating. In the past two years, they have been in a state of tension in the assessment competition. Where do you have time to pay attention?

Therefore, they have been eating light and tasteless dry food, it is really not good.

If they have been living in a small world, they should really feel that life is not interesting.

It’s finally a small world, but I’ve been on the road before, and I didn’t have a good meal.

Today, I arrived at Yucheng, and finally I was able to eat delicious food!

Taking advantage of the excitement of the three beasts, everyone can't help but laugh.

In other words, the three beasts are really alive, and whenever they eat, they are happy.

Baili red makeup took the head of three beasts and said: "Do not worry, how much you want to eat tonight!"

She knows that these three grinning guys have been ruined these days. Now that they have already made a small world, why not let them have a good mouth and addiction?

Listening to the red makeup, the three beasts looked at each other and the smile on their faces gradually expanded.

"Long live the owner!"

"Master, I love you!"

"Master, you are so good!"

The one hundred little guys are lightly laughing, and these three little guys are getting more and more flattering now!

Xia Yuqing and others looked at the appearance of the three beasts and lively treasures. They only felt really interesting. Xiaofeng and Xiaohu are still very small now, and there are no such naughty characters as the three beasts. They are very gentle and lovely.

"It seems that the three little guys are not good at this time."

Blackwood looked at the three beasts. When I was in the **** abyss, the three beasts had a lot of things to eat every day.

Seeing the appearance of black wood, the three beasts immediately smashed from the body of the hundred-mile red makeup and jumped to the black wood.

"black wood!"

Xiao Black squinted at the black wood and separated for so long, but he missed the black wood very much.

The white and white lions are also on the black wood, and their faces are full of happy expressions.

When I was with Blackwood, they really had endless delicious food, and they were very happy every day!

Now I have seen black wood again, they only feel extraordinarily friendly!

It was discovered that the three beasts flew directly to their bodies, and the black wood was also stunned for a moment, even with a smile.

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