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As Liu Yuyue constantly talks about the news of the previous assessment contest, the more she understands, the more she is worried.

According to everyone, this assessment contest is extremely dangerous, and losing life is a common occurrence.

So many talented cultivators gather together and can stay there forever.

Her heart was shaking when she heard these cruel news.

She is afraid, if the big brother can never come back, what should she do?

As the two years passed, her fears grew stronger.

She has been able to comfort herself for the past two years, but she has been there for two years. If she has not seen Gong Gongge, it means that Gong Da Ge has already encountered danger and may never come back.

At the thought of this, Liu Yuyue felt that his heart was uncomfortable and his breathing was difficult.

Now, as time goes by, her heart is more chaotic.

If after a few days, the uterus is still not coming back, then there is really no hope at all.

Therefore, she only hopes that time will go slower and slower, so that she can continue to wait with hope.

At this moment, a figure quickly ran into the Association of Chemical Refining Pharmacists.

"Liu girl, Gong Shaoqing, they are back!"

When the words came out, Liu Yuyue couldn’t help but have a glimpse of the ecstasy of the delicate and tender face.

She couldn't take care of the medicinal herbs she was refining, and quickly went to the cultivator's side and asked: "Are you telling the truth? Are they really back?"

"Come back, really come back!"

After hearing the other party's affirmative answer, Liu Yuyue's eyebrows appeared to be ecstasy.

She waited for so long, and finally waited until the big brother returned!

Fortunately, they walked out of the assessment contest safely!

The next one, not waiting for the cultivator to react, Liu Yanyue has already rushed to the outside of the Association of Chemical Refining Pharmacists.

The practitioner looked at the direction of Liu Yuyue’s departure, and his face was full of doubts.

He has never seen the appearance of Li’s rudeness.


There was a muffled sound in the Dan furnace, and then a burning smell spread.

The practitioners looked at the Dan furnace that gave off the unpleasant smell, and Liu Yan even ignored the Dan medicine?

At this time, there is only one thought in Liu Yanyue’s mind, that is, I will see Gong Shaoqing soon!

As for the medicinal herbs or other, she does not care at all!

Baili red makeup and other people walked forward, and soon after, two familiar figures appeared in front of them.

Taking advantage of these two figures, the faces of Bailihong makeup and others all showed a smile.

"Cui Haoyan!" Dongfang smiled.

Cui Haoyan walked up and gave the Oriental a punch, and then the two directly embraced each other under the strange eyes of the students.

"Good boy, you are still coming back safely!" Cui Haoyan teased, but his face was full of joy.

When he left from Tianzhuzong, his mood was extremely complicated. On the one hand, he felt that he could not fight side by side with Dongfang and others. On the other hand, he was worried that he would never see anyone again.

Fortunately, now everyone is back safely, he can rest assured!

Zhan Yunfeng also walked in front of the hundred-mile red makeup and Xia Yuqing, and his face was covered with a smile of joy.

"Red makeup, 芷晴, you are finally back!"

Next, the three women were together.

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