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"Oriental son, I guess you are coming, so I have already prepared for you!" the boss smiled.

Dongfang was a little surprised, and then smiled: "It is still the boss who is smart, I have already expected it."

Under the leadership of the waiter, the Baili red makeup group entered the elegant room, and the good wine and good food came up one after another. However, everyone has not eaten such delicious dishes for a long time. Today, I only want to treat myself well.

In other words, the fighting power of their team is not weak.

If you don't talk about it yourself, you will need to eat a lot of things, such as Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, Bai Shi, Xiao Feng and Xiao Hu.

Although Xiaofeng and Xiaohu are still very young, their appetite is very amazing. Every time they eat, they have a lot of weight.

When I was in the small world, I didn't need to worry. They hunted a lot of monsters every day. How much does Xiaofeng and Xiaohu want to eat?

However, it is not so easy after a small world.

Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu's pockets are shrinking rapidly. Knowing this time, they only know how easy it is to raise three beasts with red makeup.

I am afraid that only the financial strength of the boss can afford three beasts and change them. It is not easy to raise a beast.

Now they only think that if they don't make money, then the spirits will follow them to starve!

"Since we have returned, we will go to the principal, the vice president and the mentor tomorrow morning." Gong Shaoqing suggested.

It is not too late for them to arrive in Yucheng today, so they did not visit the principal and others.

They are part of the academy. Now that they have returned, they naturally go to visit, otherwise they can’t say it.

"We are also planning this."

Gerry red makeup smiles, this is the most important thing they come back.

"Haha, then let's have a drink today!"


In the elegant room, full of hearty laughter, cups and interlaced, everyone is happy.

This is a rare relaxation after two years of hardship, just want to get drunk.

The five beasts gathered together, and the black wood became the one who took care of them.

Xiaohei, Xiaobai and Baishi can be described as unscrupulous eating and eating. Xiaofeng and Xiaohu have not eaten such dishes for some doubts.

However, after the first bite, Xiaofeng and Xiaohu’s eyes brightened, and they immediately followed them with Xiaohe.

In comparison, eating the monster meat directly does not have such a taste at all.

At this moment, Xiaofeng and Xiaohu finally understand why the three beasts have been chanting to go to the restaurant to eat, which is simply delicious!

Eating these, they only feel that life is complete.

Blackwood is enough to eat the original three foods. Now it has added two snacks. It seems that the young ladies are going farther and farther on the road to raising food and monsters...

On this day, Baili Red Makeup and others created a record in Yunyaju, one of the most edible records.

The Baili red makeup group had not eaten enough hot meals for a few days, but now it only feels that the taste is so good.

Suddenly, everyone eats, drinks and drinks, and soon they are cleaned up one by one.

As for the battlefields of the five beasts, it is more exaggerated than the ones of Bailihong makeup, etc. It is completely a mess, and the plates that are eaten are constantly piled up...

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