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"The Jade Palace has a colorful **** pearl?"

Rao is the emperor, and now he is shocked by the news.

As everyone knows, the colorful gods are only available to the blue family. Ordinary people do not say that there are colorful gods, and they can't even see them.

Moreover, the jade palace master gave the baby such as the colorful **** beads to the red makeup, which is enough to prove that the jade palace master is good for the red makeup.

The red makeup nodded slightly. "Yeah, I was quite surprised at the time."

Deep and deep eyes reveal the clear light, as if you can see through the heart at a glance.

Emperor Beibei was keenly aware of the red makeup and there were still some things that he did not tell him. However, with his understanding of the red makeup, since the red makeup is not mentioned, it is impossible to say this when he wants to come.

Otherwise, with the red makeup to trust him, red makeup will definitely say.

This matter should be the privacy of the Jade Palace Lord. He also did not have the idea of ​​listening.

"You have already integrated the colorful beads into Dantian?"

Emperor Beibei could not help but hold the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup, and the flawless face emerged with a deep worry.

In the current situation of red makeup, it is extremely dangerous to integrate the colorful beads into the body.

If you are not careful, the red makeup may fall.

Although he had listened to Xia Yuqing and others about the dangerous things that red makeup encountered in the small world, he never heard of such a thing.

Compared with the fusion of colorful beads, the other risks are simply not a risk.

He never knew that red makeup had done such a dangerous thing in the assessment contest.

The hundred-mile red makeup daggers lightly, "Yeah, it has merged."

"So dangerous things, what should I do if something goes wrong?"

Emperor Bei’s brow was locked, even though he didn’t know enough about the process, but he just listened, and he knew the risk of the matter.

Looking at the nervous appearance of Emperor Beibei, Baili red makeup smiled slightly. "Do not worry, I am not in front of you now?"

Seeing the cute and clever appearance of Baili Red Makeup, Emperor Beibei is also helpless.

Red makeup is his weakness, and he can't blame it.

Suddenly, Emperor Beibei couldn't help but think of his inexplicable heartache and tension before Tianzong. He couldn't help but ask: "When is the woman, when did you merge the colorful beads?"

"Before half a year ago." Baili red makeup thought for a moment, replied.

When she came out of the ruins, it was very easy to go all the way.

In other words, the inheritance in the ruins is the biggest gain of her participation in the assessment contest.

Hearing the words, Emperor Bei can't help but think that his heartache was also at that time.

Before, he never understood why he was so sad that he couldn’t breathe. He never talked about related things in Xia Yuqing’s narrative.

Now that he heard the red makeup talking about it, he finally understood it.

From the painful situation of his time, he was able to know how much pain the red makeup suffered.

He knows the personality of the red makeup, and Rao is suffering from the great pain. She is also a cloud-like appearance, and will not let others worry.

But this kind of red makeup makes him more distressed.

Emperor Beibei tightly held the red makeup in his arms, and the low voice was hoarse and nervous.

"Nanny, don't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

When he thought of the feeling of heartache at that time, he felt a little scared.

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