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Since even the Emperor Beibei could not find out, it means that the Yue family closed the news very tightly.

The Lan Yunqi couple’s original sensation was very sensational, but the Blue House closed the news very secretly. Almost no one knew about this specific thing, except for some people who were very well informed.

The daughter of the Lan Yunqi couple was forcibly taken away from the colorful gods, and the singer was the one who was the blue brother of Lan Yunhao.

Nowadays, the youngest cultivators who are proud of the Blue House are blue light smoke, but those who know the real situation are somewhat disdainful.

Because the reason why the blue light smoke can have such achievements is undoubtedly the step of plundering the sister's things.

However, the blue light smoke obviously does not care about this.

Over the years, as the strength of the blue light smoke has become stronger and stronger, its attitude has become more and more arrogant, and some people have been dissatisfied.

However, the strength and talent of the blue light smoke is indeed amazing, even if someone is dissatisfied, it will not be said.

Because no one wants to offend a powerful opponent.

The Yue family actually imprisoned the Lan Yunqi couple. Once the news spread, I was afraid that the whole family would be shocked.

The Lan Yunqi couple have disappeared for many years. Since the original incident, they have disappeared. They never thought that they were imprisoned by the Yue family.

Emperor Beibei is so concerned about the Blue Clouds couple, obviously this is extremely important to him.

In addition, the red makeup has the jade of the blue family. From the time when the red makeup was concerned with jade, he was able to judge that the red makeup had a relationship with the blue family.

Red makeup is not the daughter of General Baili, which he already knew.

He remembers that red makeup has always been a very famous waste material in Fengbo, and the reason for becoming a waste material is that Dantian is broken.

It was because of the rupture of Dantian that the red makeup could not be cultivated before it was so miserable.

The daughter of the Lanyun couple was forced to take away the colorful gods by the Yue family. Dantian was destroyed and dying, and the Lanyun couple would go to the Yue family to help when they walked.

Once all these things are connected in series, the ink cloud has already understood the truth.

However, he never thought that the real life of red makeup would look like this.

At this moment, Mo Yunqi finally understood why when he looked at Yu Pei and asked if the red makeup had anything to do with the Blue House, the red makeup would show such expression.

As a red makeup, once her true identity is exposed, I am afraid that it will cause many problems.

Lan Jing mad and Yue family may even kill the killer, it is because of this, red makeup is just as alert as himself.

This is not because red makeup does not trust him, but because this matter really involves too much.

After understanding this point, Mo Yun couldn't help but feel guilty. He didn't know why the reason was that he didn't trust him enough. This is really not the case!

However, Mo Yunyi couldn't help but feel the pain of the red makeup. The things that the red makeup had experienced before were already very miserable. I never thought that her real life experience was even worse.

He clearly knew that after the incident happened, many people were feeling pitiful about the children who were captured by the colorful gods.

It should have been a genius, but it was lost because of this persecution.

When he knew this, he felt that the woman was really pitiful, but he never thought that it would be red makeup...

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