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In such a way of playing around, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei are very happy every day.

For them, being able to live happily together, watching Yunjuan Yunshu is the happiest life.

Only, such a day, they can't have it now.

Because they still have too many things to do, they can only live this life after everything is done.

Some responsibilities are what they have to bear.

This happy day is also very fast, unconsciously, and the red makeup and the emperor have already reached the scope of the Promise.

"Not far from the front is the Promise Palace."

Emperor Beibei's right hand took a hundred-mile red makeup, and his left hand pointed to the mountains in front, and introduced it.

Hearing the words, the red makeup of Baili looked to the front. Before the dense mountain, the existence of the martial art could not be seen.

In this regard, the red makeup is not strange.

I don't think she can know that this is the blind eye of the Promise Palace, just like the Scorpio.

In this way, only the practitioners who know the Promise Palace will travel, and ordinary people will not find them.

"How do we get in for a while?"

Looking at the emperor's sorrows, I don't know how to get in the enchantment. How can they get in?

The emperor’s lips squinted at the evil charm. “Here, although we can’t see the situation of the Promise, the disciples of the Promise Palace can see us.

We just need to ask them to pass it on. ”

As a small lord of the Scorpio, he often ran between the various sects on weekdays, and he is familiar with such a situation.

The hundred-mile red makeup nodded slightly, and the beautiful slap-faced face was filled with a beautiful smile. "It turns out."

The enchantment after the millennium can be improved a lot more than before the millennium, but it is extremely convenient.

"Black wood, keep up!" Emperor Beibei suddenly came out.

Before because he wanted to be alone with the red makeup, the black wood and the three beasts kept a certain distance from them.

Now they are about to enter the Promise Palace, and black wood should appear, otherwise they will have to be trapped outside the Promise.

Listening to the words of the emperor, soon, the black wood appeared next to the emperor’s beggar. "Yes, less master!"

When he saw the appearance of Blackwood, Emperor Beibei nodded, and the three beasts continued to move forward.

The hundred-mile red makeup looked at the extremely happy appearance of the three beasts and the black wood, and the radiant beauty was also a light smile.

I have to say that it is a very good thing to have black wood and beside the emperor.

"North, have you been to the Promise Palace before?"

Looking at the appearance of the emperor's north squatting light road, Baili red makeup could not help but ask.

"I used to come with Master, but I only came once, not familiar."

In addition to the deadly enemies among the major sects, most of the other sects have contacts.

Many times, major sects hold some competitions to promote the enthusiasm of disciples to practice.

Only in a competitive environment can practitioners work harder.

Because every time, the major sects will hold some trials, especially those with close ties will be held in cooperation.

Tianzhu Zong and Wuji are not very familiar, but the relationship is not bad.

He used to come with him when Master came, so he knows where the location is.

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