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Han Hongyi, who was originally in poor spirit, came to the spirit after he heard the words of Tao Congrong. When he opened the door, he saw Tao Congrong outside the house.

When Tao Congrong saw Han Hongyi, he couldn't help but blink. The great elders on weekdays were all like a pair of celestial bones. Just look at the look that people can't help.

However, the big elders in front of them also have the appearance of the fairy-skinned bones in the weekdays. They have not been sorted out for so many days. The faces of the elders are covered with scum, and their eyes are deep and concave. There is no spirit.

Seeing such a Han Hongyi, Tao Congrong’s heart is also a thousand emotions.

The death of the lady is really a big blow to the elders!

"You said that the red makeup is coming back?" Han Hongyi stunned and locked Tinura.

Feeling Han Hongyi's stunned eyes, Tao Congrong could not help but feel a huge pressure, immediately nodded: "Come back."

"Small masters and Baili red makeup have just returned, everyone has seen." Tao Congrong should be.

“Where are they going now?” Han Hongyi asked.

"They went to the direction of the lord's palace."

Tao Congrong told Han Hongyi all the news she had learned. She has been paying attention to the dynamics of Tianzhuzong these days, so that she can find out when she returns from Bailihong makeup.

Therefore, this news is also an incomparable confirmation.

"I know."

After leaving a sentence, Han Hongyi closed the door and ignored Tao Congrong outside the house.

Tao Congrong did not feel strange after seeing this closed door. She believed that since the red makeup has returned, the time for the elders to act must also be there!

She just needs to wait to see the final result, I believe that the elders will revenge for the lady!

She felt an unspeakable anger when she thought of the beauty of the hundred-mile red makeup and the lesser masters!


When Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei entered the palace of Situ Yan, Situ Yan already knew that two people appeared, and the door was directly opened.

"come in."

Listening to Situ Yan's words, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei looked at each other and the two walked in together.

"Master." Emperor Bei was a rite.

"I have seen the lord." Baili red makeup is also a respectful deed.

No matter whether there is any blood relationship between her and the sovereign, the sovereign has never opposed her and the emperor.

For this, she is also grateful to the sovereign.

Looking at the fascinating beauty of the North and the red makeup, Situ Yan nodded slightly, and the eyes were filled with appreciation.

When Emperor Beibei and Han Xiyu stood together, he felt that there was always something missing.

Even if the elders tried to match each other, Han Xiyu kept on appreciating the emperor, but in his opinion, this situation is somewhat wrong.

Now that he saw Emperor Beibei and Bailihong makeup together, he only thought that this was the real pair.

Because the eyes of the two eyes are all true.

"You are back." Situ Yan smiled.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei nodded, and Emperor Beibei said: "I originally planned to return after the end of the contest, but everyone proposed to go back to the college, so I am only coming back now."

Listening to the answer of Emperor Beibei, Situ Yan looked as usual, and his eyes fell on the body of the hundred-mile red makeup.

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