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Hundreds of red makeup does not hate.

Because, she knows that this vicissitude man has already hated himself.

Situ Yan was never reluctant to take responsibility, only because of a misunderstanding at the beginning, coupled with the mean means of Yue Siqing, which only resulted in today's results.

He has only been kept in the dark, and if he knows all this, he must have already acted.

No need to blame him, Situ Yan has regretted his heart.

At this moment, the red makeup of the hundred miles only feels sympathy and distressed Situ Yan, all of which is not what Situ Yan wants to see.

At the beginning, he should not know the woman who did not compromise the feelings of Yue Siqing. It was because of the existence of Yue Siqing that it would lead to the regret of Situ Yan’s life.

Now, this 愧疚 is more than the regrets of the past.

I am afraid that Rao is a hero who is such a hero, Situ Yan, who feels that he can’t stand it when he knows it.


The hundred-mile red makeup paused, or shouted the title.

She didn't dislike this title, and shouting it out was not as difficult as she had thought before.

"These are not your fault."

The hundred-mile red makeup can feel the deep sadness that Situ Yan has spread from the bottom of her heart. She only hopes that Situ Yan will not be immersed in such sorrow.

Because this is what they are not willing to see.

However, the relief of the hundred-mile red makeup did not achieve any effect, and Situ Yan’s mood was still low and depressed.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault!

If it wasn’t my stupidity, how could so many things happen now?

I am sorry for you, sorry for your mother, sorry for your grandmother! ”

Situ Yan only thinks that the three most important women in his life, he is not worthy of one!

"Grandfather, you don't want to, the initiators of all this are Yuesiqing."

The black phoenix phoenix flashed a stern brilliance, and the red makeup of Baili had already hated the extreme.

All the sufferings they have suffered today are all due to Yue’s feelings!

For so many years, this perverted woman is simply tormenting them for fun!

She can't imagine how this woman is metamorphosis!

At the beginning, because of the feelings of Yue Siqing, the grandmother had decided to leave.

From that moment on, the grandmother has already let go.

This is so, Yue Siqing is not willing to let go, began to start with the mother, start with her!

Even though the grandmother and Yue Siqing liked the same man, after the grandmother left, all this should be over.

After all, at that time, Yue Siqing and Grandma were good friends.

As a good friend, how can you make such a cruel thing?

In the view of Baili red makeup, this feeling of love can no longer be called a person, this is simply a viper!

When I saw it, Emperor Beibei couldn’t help but say: "Master, red makeup is right. It’s not what you want to see, it’s not your fault.

All this is a deliberate arrangement of Yue Siqing, she is to make you regret for life! ”

Emperor Beibei felt that Yue Siqing was because he could not get what he wanted, so he wanted to ruin it.

Yue Siqing is to let Master regret his life, watching Master's pain, as if only in this way can alleviate the pain of Yue Siqing.

If Master is really immersed in it, then you can be in the way of Yue's feelings!

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