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"What are you going to do!"

Han Hongyi saw a group of dark guards suddenly appear in front of him. After the posture was obviously forced to go back, his face could not help but become ugly.

"Great elders, please come back."

The attitude of the dark guard is chilly, and the voice is more than half a temperature.

They used to be scrupulous because of the identity of the elders, but now the lords have ordered them, and they do not need to be polite.

Feel the attitude of the dark guards, Han Hongyi's face is blue, how many years have he not received such treatment?

"The sovereign will not be like this to me!"

Han Hongyi’s voice is stubborn and cold, and he absolutely cannot accept such punishment. He said that Han Hongyi even wants to catch up with the sovereign.

He does not believe, does not believe in all this.

After seeing that Han Hongyi was still not dying, the dark guards no longer estimated Han Hongyi’s thoughts. He immediately took Han Hongyi’s arms and took him back.

In their view, today's elders are simply unreasonable.

Since the elders do not listen to advice, they have no choice.

Suddenly being restrained by the defenders, Han Hongyi could not help but struggle.

"You will let me go!"

"I am the great elder of the Scorpio!"

However, the Guardians simply ignored everything that the elders said.

Their task now is to bring the elders back to their residences and not let the elders continue to make trouble here.

"Let me let go! I will go by myself!"

After struggling without success, Han Hongyi couldn't help but say that he was also the great elder of the Scorpio. If he was seen by the disciples in the sect, then what is his face?

However, after Han Hongyi’s struggles four times, the defenders simply did not believe the words of the elders.

If you let the big recruits bother to disturb the Sovereign, then they are really sinful!

Han Hongyi’s gaze could not help but fall on Qin and Gu Jingqing’s body. In the face of such a situation, Qin and Gu Jingqing felt very helpless.

In fact, when they saw the great elders, they were completely helpless.

They can't do anything now because the decision of the elders was wrong.

If they speak now, they are undoubtedly angering the lord.

After seeing that Qin Zhen and Gu Jingqing did not help themselves, Han Hongyi’s face became particularly ugly.

It seems that this situation cannot be changed...

After Han Hongyi disappeared into sight, Qin Hao said this: "The elders' actions are really unwise, and they even say such things."

"The fall of Han Xiyu has caused the elders to be hit hard, so now the elders are acting abnormally.

However, the reason why the elders came to find out did not make any sense, but it became more and more obvious that he was narrow-minded. ”

Gu Jingqing shook his head. He didn't know what to say about the state of the elders.

The elders are really unwise.

In comparison, his impression of the red makeup is very good.

At the beginning, Baili Red Makeup did not need to go to the assessment contest. After all, there were a few masters, and Bailihong makeup was left in Tianzhu Zong as a lady with few lords.

However, because of the sarcasm and sarcasm of Han Xiwei and others, Baili Red Makeup finally decided to use his own strength to shut everyone down.

This is just what many women can't do.

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