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There seemed to be two gusts of wind whistling in front of me, and the fierce and sturdy powers poured over, and the ground holes shot the traces of the road.

The hundred-mile red makeup has a certain distance from the two people. The more powerful it is, the wider the scope is. Moreover, the two people are repaired to the same level. This is naturally a matter of one-and-a-half time.

Although the two men fought in full swing, it was impossible to determine the final result.

However, with the eyesight of a hundred miles of red makeup, she was able to judge whether she finally had the slightest advantage.

After confirming that the Northern Territory will win the final victory, the red makeup will be waiting for the final result.

This Wenzi is so unobstructed, and the emperor’s lessons are good, and the red makeup is bad.

The manual statics sent from the emperor’s palace in the north of the emperor did not cause the sorrow of the Tianzhu sect, because there will be such fighting fluctuations in the palace of the lord.

"The young masters of Yun Jianzong came to us to find the lesser lords. Their feelings are really good."

"The few masters of Yun Jianzong and our young masters are good friends since childhood, and Tianzong and Yun Jianzong have always made good friends. Their relationship is so good."

"After the future, the sects of the Sovereign Master and Yun Jianzong became the sects of the sects. Presumably, our relationship with Yun Jianzong is even closer."

Emperor Beibei and Wen Ziran are good brothers who have played from childhood to big, but all the practitioners who have stayed in Tianzhuzong for a while know.


"Northern, I said that I won’t beat my face!"

"Hey, you stop! Even if I interrupt your good deeds, don't you do this to me?"

"You have to be a friend of color! I have been dating you for more than ten years!"

Wen Ziran constantly begged for mercy, but the emperor was simply ignored.

At this moment, the two men's weapons have been put aside, Wen Ziran was surrounded by the left hand of Emperor Beibei, his fist is facing the face of Wen Ziran.

He knows that this guy cares most about his face. In order to make this guy remember for a long time, he greets him.

"Sister, brother and sister, come help me!"

Seeing that Emperor Beibei refused to let go, Wen Ziran quickly looked at the hundred-mile red makeup, and then he could not see anyone for a while.

The red makeup of Baili came to the side of Emperor Beibei and Wen Ziran. The two of them had been so fierce. I didn’t expect this to become such a noisy appearance. It was really interesting.

Rao was the first to see Wen Ziran, but from the relationship between Wen Ziran and Emperor Bei, she understood that the two were really good feelings.

She had never known a friend of Emperor Beibei. She was finally seen today and she was very happy.


After hearing the name of Wen Ziran, Emperor Bei can't help but squint. "You guy is really..."

In fact, Wen Ziran and Emperor Beibei have been arguing over who is a brother who is a younger brother.

The age of the two is generally the same, and the difference between the months is not a lot.

The birth of Wen Ziran is naturally known, but the birth of Emperor Beibei...

When Situ Yan brought the Emperor Beibei back, he only saw his age, but he did not know the specific time.

It is for this reason that they have been competing for the big brother since they were young, and they have not rushed to pick it up until now.


Wen Ziran screamed, and Emperor Beibei had let go of him and walked to the side of the hundred-mile red makeup.

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