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Dinner time.

Baili Red Makeup and Shangguan Yingying are eating together.

Shangguan Yingying is extremely enthusiastic, and it is almost the same as the red makeup of Baili. He has said a lot of things with the red makeup.

However, the red makeup can feel the surplus or remember Wen Ziran.

Judging from the subtle expression, she always looks out of the house from time to time, although the action is small, but still seen in the eyes of the red makeup.

The red makeup of Baili also looked out of the house. I don’t know if Beibei would come with Ziran during this dinner.

Naturally, she hopes that the unhappiness between Yingying and Ziran can be solved earlier.

This is already open, and Yingying can be more happy.

Since Yingying came, Yingying said about her and Wen Ziran and the various things that Emperor Beibei had when he was a child.

Although Yingying is mainly talking about her, she always can't help but talk about Wen Ziran.

From this expression, the hundred-mile red makeup can understand the feelings of Yingying and Wen Ziran.

However, until now, Beibei did not come with Wen Ziran, and the red makeup could not help but frowned.

She did not ask Ying Ying why this is a bad time with Wen Ziran, but since Ying Ying has come to Tianzhu Zong, he should also come to see it.

After a while, two footsteps rang outside the house.

Upon hearing this voice, Shangguan Yingying’s eyes changed a little, but they were strong and did not look outside.

Wen Ziran walked into the house behind the emperor.

After seeing the red makeup of the hundred miles, the emperor's lips smacked a gentle smile, and then sat down beside the red makeup.

Wen Ziran glanced at the emperor, and then some unnaturally sat down beside Shangguan Yingying.

Taking advantage of this scene, Baili red makeup can not help but feel a little funny, can not see the warmth of the face before Wen Ziran, this time will be such expression in the face of Ying Ying.

Shangguan Yingying also knows that Wen Ziran is by his side but has nothing to say. He just eats his own food.

The atmosphere became awkward at a time.

The hundred-year-old makeup smashed the Shangguan Yingying, and smashed the Wenziran. These two people did not speak.

Emperor Beibei took the small hand of the hundred-mile red makeup under the table and smiled: "Don't care about them, it will be fine in a while."

Baili Red Makeup doesn't know how Emperor Beibei decided all this, but she always believed in the words of Emperor Beibei.

Under the direction of Emperor Beibei, Bailihong makeup quickly ate the meal, and then walked out of the house together with Emperor Beibei.

Shangguan Yingying couldn't help but want to speak after seeing the red makeup ready to go out. However, after Emperor Beibei took the red makeup and left, she still didn't speak.

Emperor Beibei and Bailihong makeup returned to their house together.

The red lips of the hundred-mile makeup faintly smile, as long as Yingying and Ziran meet, presumably this problem will be solved soon.

"You will call the past?" asked Bailihong makeup.

"The trouble that he himself has caused is not handled by himself. Is it still possible for my lady to help him?"

Hearing the words, Baili red makeup smiled slightly. "Yingying people are very good. I heard a lot of things about you from Yingying’s mouth today."

Emperor Beibei picked up his eyebrows and hooked his lips: "Let's understand it, just let the lady know how to be a loyal to you."

When the words came out, the red makeup of Baili couldn’t help but laugh out. "You can also say this kind of thing."

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