Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort

Chapter 1791: Going to the fire and the fire, do not hesitate!

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When the boss and the young masters went to Yuanwu City, they helped Yuan Jia, otherwise the Yuan family would be in trouble.

Then he and Xiaoman met the boss and have been helped by the boss. This news is beyond the expectations of Yuan family.

There have never been such good results in the history of the Xueyuan Dynasty, so their names have now been heard throughout the country.

Although he has a dream of becoming a hero from his care, he never thought that he could really complete it.

Now, he is the hero of no one in the snow source country!

The whole Yuan family is proud of him and Xiao Man!

All this is because of the boss!

If you don't have a boss, don't say it is a hero that everyone admires. I am afraid that they have already become a corpse in the assessment contest.

Therefore, Yuan Zhixin’s gratitude to Baili’s red makeup can’t be expressed in words.

He has already vowed that he will definitely go to the boss for the fire in the future, and he will not hesitate!

If it is not because of the boss, they have nothing to do now, so their lives are the boss!

Not only Yuan Zhixin, Yuan Xiaoman also holds the same idea.

In the future, all those who are unfavorable to the boss are their enemies!

Want to hurt the boss, unless you step on them!

Baili Red Makeup did not know the thoughts of Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman. After hearing Yuan Hongyang’s gratitude to her, her face could not help but smile.

Unconsciously, it has been a long time since the beginning of the **** abyss.

If there is a chance, she really wants to go back with Beibei.

"You don't have to be so polite, we are all friends."

The voice of the hundred-mile red makeup is light and sweet, and I remembered that they had not left the Tianzhuzong two years ago. Everyone has become a disciple of Tianzong. Her heart is really happy.

Taking advantage of the hundred-mile red makeup, I didn’t feel that I had done anything, and Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman smiled.

Their boss is like this.

Obviously, they did something to make them grateful to Dade, but they all felt that everything was nothing.

But this is the boss, will let them be willing to give everything.

This is the charm of the boss.

Emperor Beibei glanced at the practitioners present, a total of ten people besides the hundred-mile red makeup, and now they have arrived.

"Since everyone has arrived, let's go in."

The voice of the Northern Territory is warm and majestic. In the face of red makeup, he is always gentle, but in front of other practitioners, he has to show the majesty of a small lord.

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Xia Yuqing and others are all looking at it.

Starting today, they are disciples of Tianzong, and this day is of great significance to them.

Although Emperor Beibei has always been a friend in his eyes, here is Tianzong, and Emperor Beibei is their young master.

Therefore, their attitudes are equally incompetent as before.

At least, in front of people.

Bailihong makeup quietly entered the ranks. From today, she is also a new disciple of Tianzhuzong, and everything needs to be done well.

When the emperor turned around and found that the red makeup had entered the team, Jun Hao flashed a few helplessness. This little woman is really not conscious at this time!

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