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Behind Xia Yuqing and others, Pan Zimo and Dong Hongyun couldn't help but look at each other. After seeing the imperial concubine's good makeup for Baili, their hearts were full of shock.

Although they already knew the identity of the red makeup, they can't help but see the degree of love of Baili red makeup.

As early as the end of the assessment contest, Emperor Beibei personally went to pick up the red makeup, and this scene surprised everyone.

They used to be proud of the past, but in the face of the hundred-mile red makeup and the few masters, they did not have a little bit of pride in capital.

Dong Hongyun couldn't help but be grateful. If he didn't know the identity of Baili Red Makeup, he apologized in time and got forgiveness of the red makeup.

Well, now he really has only one dead end.

I thought that Han Xi’s death was in the hands of the hundred-mile red makeup, but the young master was still so good for the red makeup.

Just this is the point where you can see the extraordinary status of the hundred-mile red makeup.

Fortunately, the red makeup is not a vengeful person. Today, he is also grateful for the red makeup.

In the circumstances, it would be extremely normal if the red makeup was not willing to forgive him.

Pan Zimo's mood is also very good. Before he took part in the assessment contest, he hoped that he would one day be able to enter Tianzhu.

Today, this dream is really achieved.

Thinking of the various things that he had in the dynasty in the past few days, he really felt that his long-term efforts were worth it.

He was equally grateful. Fortunately, he met Mo Yunqi and others. Otherwise, I am afraid that there is no good result.

Cheng Hefeng and Yu Junfei are also disciples of Tianzhuzong. Cheng and Fengben are among the top ten. At that time, he chose Tianzhuzong when he chose the sect.

All of this is really a coincidence. Except for a Shi Cairong, all four of them are people who have had an intersection with Bailihong makeup.

As early as the end of the assessment contest, when I saw the scene of Emperor Beibei and Bailihong makeup, Cheng Hefeng felt that fortunately, he did not have any worries with Baili Red makeup.

Otherwise, in that case, he can only go to other sects.

After all, the offender who sinned the sects of the sects, can they still have good fruits when they stay in the martial art?

Originally, he still didn't understand how the strength of the hundred-mile-red makeup might become a sealer. Now that he knows the identity of the hundred-mile red makeup, he completely understands it.

It’s no surprise to be a sealer in the form of a hundred-mile red makeup.

Some geniuses in the martial art are often not judged by common sense.

Rao is the same age, and the cultivators in the martial art tend to be stronger than they are.

Yu Junfei has no idea what to say at the moment, he only thinks Fang Wencheng is the right guy to die.

If you don't die in the hands of the hundred-year-old red makeup, you must die in the hands of the young masters after the assessment contest.

At this moment, he understood it. When Bailihong makeup participated in the assessment contest, it was not a team from a small dynasty. They and Han Xixi’s team were clearly the same team.

It was only because of the contradiction between the two sides that they were divided into two teams. I am afraid that many people did not want to understand this.

It is because everyone does not know, so the talents such as Baili Red Make-up are all the way to play pigs and eat tigers.

It is too savvy!

High tricks!

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