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Bai Junyu looked at Xia Yuqing's clever smile and couldn't help but blink. He always felt that the moment was very different.

From the late stage of the assessment contest to the present, he has not seen Qi Qing laugh so happy for a long time.

Looking back at the original kind, I saw that Xia Yuqing was so bright and talking to myself at the moment. He was also filled with emotions. He only hoped that he would often find a smile like Xia Qingqing in the future.

Xia Yuqing sees Bai Junyu looking at himself straight away, and the pretty face can't help but smack a blush, saying: "What do you watch me do?"

Bai Junyu stunned and immediately regained his gaze. The bright touched his head and said: "No, nothing."

Bai Lihong makeup squinted at Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu, and the smile at the bottom of the eyes could not help but deepen.

Such Bai Junyu and Xia Yuqing said that they did not like each other, but no one would believe it.

"Let's go, I want to come to the East. They should also go to the Resource Hall to collect resources now." Baili red makeup smiled slightly.

With the words of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, Bai Junyu and Xia Yuqing nodded, and the two men walked toward the resource hall even after the red makeup.

The Resource Hall is in the middle of the four major halls, and there is a certain distance to go there.

Today, I have just become a practitioner of the Suzaku Hall. The mood of the three of them is extremely good.

Walking on the road of Tianzongzong at the moment, the faces of the three men were full of joyful smiles.

In the process of going to the resource room, a sound came into the ears of the three hundred red makeup.

"Hey, isn't that the future lady of the Lord?"

"Yeah, what is a man and a woman behind her?"

"They are all friends of the Baili girl, and now they have become disciples of the Suzaku Temple."

"So, isn't it that they are our younger brothers and sisters?"

"That is natural."

"The woman in a green dress looks very beautiful, and at first glance she looks very good."

A man's gaze rested on Xia Yuqing's body, his face full of excitement and love.

Xia Yuqing's appearance is very delicate. After two years of evaluation competition, her delicate face has a bit more heroic, and the appearance is more brilliant.

What's more, Xia Yuqing's figure is excellent, and the bumps are good.

Even in the whole day, there are very few women who are hot like Xia Qingqing.

The hundred-mile red makeup is a woman with few sovereigns. Now the whole Tianzhu Zong does not dare to have a little thought about her.

However, the new female disciples have always been the target of the male disciples.

"Yes, this woman is really outstanding, you are good eyesight!"

A male disciple always looked at Xia Yuqing, and the excited eyes seemed to hate to go up and say hello to Xia Yuqing.

Just thinking about it for a long while, I still didn't come up.

This movement is not too small. The man may have purposely attracted the attention of Xia Yuqing, so his voice did not hide.

The three hundred red makeup guys heard this conversation clearly.

Seeing the shape, the lips of the red lips can not help but smack a smile.

The appearance of Yu Qing is very outstanding. I want to come to this day and there will be many disciples to pursue.

Xia Yuqing obviously did not expect that such a thing would happen. It was a reaction at the moment, but it was beyond her expectations.

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