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These cultivation resources, she can not have so many in a week, but in Tianzong Zong is actually only a month of cultivation resources for practitioners.

With so many resources for cultivation, coupled with the strength of the outside world, if the strength of the practitioners is not faster than that of the outside practitioners, it is simply impossible.

In the past, she always heard that whether they are martial artists or family practitioners, they are able to have such proud strength at a young age, because they are completely piled up by resources.

She never understood what the so-called cultivation resources were piled up.

Now that she came to Tianzhuzong, she understood it completely.

They are just new disciples of Tianzong, and they already have so many resources for cultivation.

If they are doing well in the White Tiger Hall in the future, this cultivation resource may still go up, and it is too horrible.

At this moment, she finally understood why the genius practitioners in the family were young enough to be proud of others.

This is not entirely because their cultivation talents are outstanding, and more because of their superior conditions.

She believes that even if she is a talented person, if she is a person who cultivates a family, her current strength must be extremely strong.

Listening to Yuan Xiaoman’s amazed words, Baili’s red makeup smiled slightly. “Yes, it’s because of this, so there are so many practitioners who have sharpened their heads and want to enter the martial art.”

"Little Man, I was originally curious about how much this cultivation resource is. Now, listening to what you say, I am even more hopeful."

Xia Yuqing's face is full of excitement, it seems that this cultivation resource is really rich and amazing!

"Haha, then you should first go to receive cultivation resources." Yuan Xiaoman chuckled.

Baili Red Makeup and Xia Yuqing looked at each other and then walked toward the direction of Zhuque Temple.

The three of Gong Shaoqing are no longer staying, even when they go to the resource room of Qinglong Temple.

Yuan Xiaoman, Yuan Zhixin and Dong Hongyun walked out of the resource hall and waited for everyone outside.

At this moment, there are many practitioners in the resource hall. If they are standing in the resource room, isn’t it a big deal?

Soon, three hundred red makeup people arrived at the resource room of Suzaku Hall.

An elder is standing here and seeing the three-person red makeup appear, said: "Give me the identity card."

Earlier, the three hundred-red-red makeup people had the identity card in the Qiankun bag that was obtained from the resource elders of the White Tiger Hall. Now, after hearing the words of the elders, they immediately took out the identity card.

Bailihong makeup handed his identity card to the elders. After checking the message on the identity card, the elder said: "New disciples."

"Yes." Baili red makeup smiled.

The elders then recorded the news of the hundred-mile red makeup in their manual, and then they said to the hundred-mile red: "Go to the back and receive the cultivation resources."

As the voice of the elders fell, a disciple behind the elders showed a respectful smile on the red makeup.

"Bali Shimei, please come with me to receive cultivation resources."

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, followed by the disciple behind the rear of the resource room.

Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu also handed over the identity card to the elders, who registered their information with the elders.

The disciple's movements are very fast, and obviously his time to help the elders here is not short.

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