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As the red makeup and the emperor are getting closer to the palace, there are fewer and fewer practitioners around them, leaving only two of them.

"The strength of the strength of the Suzaku Palace sitting in the field is not comparable to the cultivation room of my palace. You are not as good at cultivation here as you are."

Although he and the red makeup were together before, the time spent together was very short.

Nowadays, it is not easy for the red makeup to stay in Tianzhuzong. If you stay in the Suzaku Temple, then isn’t he often red makeup?

This is not the situation he wants to see.

The red-breasted makeup and the eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. "The situation is indeed so good, but I am clearly a disciple of Suzaku Temple. If I have been staying in your palace for cultivation, it is too inappropriate."

"What is wrong with that, who dares to say a little bit?"

The emperor's slang is overbearing and fearless. He is the lord of the Scorpio, who dares to say that he can't gossip?

Upon seeing it, Bailihong makeup wrinkled his nose and said: "Nature people will naturally not say that there will be many people who will be criticized afterwards."

The human heart is the most uncontrollable, and they cannot control the thoughts of other practitioners.

She was going to do a good job in the Suzaku Hall, which would also reduce some of the criticisms.

"There are things that other people think about, and when they get married, they will shut up."

Today's Baili red makeup is the existence of the lady of the Shaozong in the eyes of the disciples of Tianzhu. Although it is not yet married, this is already a matter of nailing.

It is for this reason that these criticisms will be much less, and they will never be as unscrupulous as they were two years ago.

Listening to the words of the emperor, the red makeup of Baili did not say much, just staring quietly at the emperor.

Feeling the gaze of the red makeup, Emperor Beibei thought for a moment and said: "Otherwise, how do you practice in the Suzaku Temple during the day and come to my palace at night?"

Saying, there is no change in the expression of the red makeup. The emperor said: "This is the bottom line. If you don't agree, I can only go to you."

He doesn't care about other people's opinions. Anyway, his emperor is wrapped up in red makeup.

"Not to mention, I will go to the desert world with you."

Emperor Beibei smiled brightly and splendidly. Anyway, he could not let the red makeup stay in the Suzaku Hall.

Taking advantage of the imperial concubine’s resolutely impossible to make concessions, Baili’s red makeup thought for a moment and nodded. “Well, I will come over at night.”

As the Emperor Beibei said, they have to go to the desert world to practice together. Naturally, she can't stay in the Suzaku Hall all the time.

There are many disciples meditating there every day in the sit-in of Suzaku Hall, because the strength of the place is stronger than that in the room, so almost all practitioners will choose to stay there.

It is not appropriate for her not to go there. If she leaves at night, it should be no big deal.

Listening to the answer of the hundred-mile red makeup, Emperor Beibei showed a satisfied smile. The slender and delicate fingers scraped on the bridge of the red makeup, saying: "This is my niece!"

One hundred miles of red makeup smashed the emperor's eyes, and she is now completely devoid of the North.


The next day, the day has not been clarified, and the red makeup has returned to the Suzaku Hall.

In the night, she and Emperor Beibei and three beasts practiced in the desert world for three days, only to feel exhausted.

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