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The evening meal prepared by Emperor Beibei is very rich, just like the nutritious dinner prepared for the red makeup in the **** abyss.

"Now you have to run on both sides, and you are very busy in cultivation. Naturally, you need to make up your body."

Emperor Beibei has a bowl of demon bone soup for the hundred-mile red makeup. Through this kind of food supplement, it can also enhance the body strength of the red makeup.

Baili red makeup took it with a smile. "This feeling reminds me of the time when I was in the **** abyss. It took more than two years to pass."

Emperor Bei smirked, "You are a busy man. Time has passed without knowing it. But I really don't see the lady for a day, like every three autumns, so I feel that the two years are very long."

Hearing the words, the red makeup of the hundred miles was slightly stunned, staring at the face of the emperor, who looked like a serious joke, and the complex light flashed in his eyes.

In the meantime, during the time she was with Emperor Bei, she was almost always busy doing things. Instead, Emperor Beibei left all kinds of things to accompany her.

After seeing such awkward and straightforward words, the three beasts could not help but raise their eyes.

"Hey, children are not suitable."

"Hey, the beast is not suitable."

“Hey, it’s not appropriate.”

The three beasts shook their heads helplessly, and they knew that they were the existence of light bulbs here.

The eyes of Emperor Beibei and Baili Red makeup could not help but fall on the bodies of the three beasts. These three guys are really a good hand to destroy the atmosphere.

Emperor Bei’s indifferent gaze swept through three beasts and said: “I see, you are already full?”

As soon as this was said, the expressions of the three beasts and the beasts were all changed, and then they showed their smiles.

"No no!"

"We didn't say anything!"

"Eat something to eat!"

The three beasts lowered their heads together and pretended that they had never been examined and generally continued to eat dinner.

What a joke!

They are not yet full, how can they leave?

Now their food is counting on the emperor's north, and definitely can't count on the emperor, otherwise they will not be delicious in the future!

Taking advantage of the clever appearance of the three beasts, Emperor Beibei nodded with satisfaction.

"This is what you want."

Seeing the look of the emperor's face, the red-eyed makeup is black.

Emperor Beibei now apparently has completely grasped the weaknesses of the three beasts, and now they can only surrender to the emperor.

How did she not find that the emperor was so black?

I thought about it, but now I am on a thief boat, I can only continue this way.

"Beibei, the longer I have been practicing in the desert world, the more I have discovered that after I have gone out of the desert world, this energy and strength are recovering much faster.

Compared to the exhaustion that comes out after going in, it is obviously much better now. "Bai Lihong makeup slowly.

Hearing, Emperor Beibei nodded. "The resilience of your body is constantly strengthening, so the speed of recovery is constantly accelerating."

“Before, I heard the lord say that when a practitioner is in a training environment for a long time, his physical fitness will continue to improve.

The first time you recover, it's very slow, but the speed of the first hundred recovery is much faster than the first.

The adaptability of the body will continue to increase. Over time, we will recover more quickly than ordinary practitioners. ”

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