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In the next period of time, Baili red makeup was practiced in the sitting field in the daytime, and in the night, he entered the desert world together with Emperor Beibei.

Under such circumstances, her speed of improvement is also very fast.

Not only the hundred-mile red makeup, Xia Yuqing and Bai Junyu, after being stimulated by the hundred-mile red makeup, they almost put all their thoughts on cultivation.

Tianzhu Zong is extremely rich in their cultivation resources, and the most beneficial one is Huayuan Dan.

This Huayuan Dan is not used for eating, but for cultivation.

There is a very pure force in Huayuan Dan. When practicing, you only need to take Huayuan Dan in your hands and run the exercises. The Yuanli in the Yuandan will be absorbed into the meridians and grow stronger. The power of Dantian.

With the existence of this chemical Yuan Dan, the cultivation rate of the practitioners will be much faster, with a multiplier effect.

The number of Huayuan Dans given to them by Tianzhu Zong is not small, but the number of Huayuan Dans needed for this cultivation is even more amazing.

Naturally, they can't have so many cultivations for them to practice. Therefore, after they have used up their hands, they can only rely on meditation to improve their cultivation.

It is for this reason that Huayuan Dan is now the most attractive drug for practitioners.

Bailihong makeup also used Huayuan Dan during cultivation, except that she received more cultivation resources from her as a disciple.

Thinking of her grandfather's good for her, she also understands that her grandfather wants to make up all the things that have not been able to take care of her for so many years.

Originally, Bailihong makeup itself was able to refine Yuandan, but now the time is very tense, so she almost has no time to refine the medicine.

Alchemy is also a profession she can't give up.

However, now she is more focused on improving.

After all, it is the most important thing to improve your strength now.

"It’s really good to have the feeling of practicing Yuan Dan. Now that Yuan Yuandan is running out, just relying on meditation and cultivation, I feel that this speed is really slow."

Xia Yuqing sighed and sighed. She had not felt the benefits of using Yuanhua Dan’s cultivation before. Now that she feels it, she feels that it feels so good.

In contrast, the speed of cultivation without Hua Yuan Dan is undoubtedly slower.

Taking advantage of Xia Yuqing's frustrated and helpless appearance, Bai Junyu smiled and said: "Yu Qing, you only came to Tianzong Zong, but it has already broken through. This cultivation speed is already very fast.

One month's time is over, and in a few days we can go to receive cultivation resources. ”

Hearing, Xia Yuqing nodded. "I can only think so now. It is also too greedy to say."

Today, she finally understands the gap between cultivation resources and lack of cultivation resources.

After having these cultivation resources, the cultivation speed is much faster.

If she didn't have the cultivation resources that Tianzong had given her before, she would only need a certain amount of time to break through.

However, now, within half a month, she has already broken through again.

This speed is much faster than before.

Bai Junyu chuckled. "This is the human nature."

Nowadays, with the relationship between Bai Junyu and Xia Yuqing, the relationship between the two is also closer.

Compared to the original shackles and hiding, there is no doubt a lot of harmony.

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