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When Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei came to the Promise Palace, the Shoushan disciple immediately released after seeing a few hundred-year-old red makeup.

Obviously, before the arrival of Baili Red Makeup, Yu Linfeng has already explained it.

After arriving at the Promise Palace, the appearance of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei has undoubtedly caused the strange eyes of the Promise Palace disciples.

Five months ago, when Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei appeared, they already felt very strange.

I never thought that they came again today, and they really don’t understand what they are doing here.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei even went in the direction of the Yulin Wind Palace.

Yulinfeng and Nangong Dance also received the news that Bailihong makeup arrived at the Promise Palace in the first time, even when they were ready to go out to meet.

However, the two just got out of the palace and saw the on-the-spot red makeup and the emperor.

"I have seen Master and Master."

The red makeup of the hundred miles is respectful.

"I have seen the Jade Palace Lord, the Lord of the Palace." The Emperor Beibei also performed a ceremony.

Yu Linfeng smiled slightly, but Nangong Dance took the initiative to raise the hundred-mile red makeup. He said: "It’s all people, you don’t need to be so polite."

"You are very punctual." Yu Linfeng smiled lightly.

"Master's account of the matter, the disciples naturally obey."

There was a faint smile on the face of Bailihong makeup. In the face of Yufengfeng, she did not feel any tension. On the contrary, it was very relaxed.

Because, Yu Linfeng is not only her master, but also her elders.

Yu Linfeng nodded, and his eyes fell on the body of Emperor Beibei. He said: "In the three months, are you ready to stay in the Promise Palace or go back?"

He had already expected that Emperor Beibei would send a hundred miles of red makeup, but he was very happy after seeing the relationship between Emperor Beibei and Baili Red Makeup is so good.

"Since Emperor Shaozong has come, let's stay together, so the red makeup will not be alone here." Nangong dance laughed.

She knows that it is very inappropriate to let a lover separate. What's more, the distance between the Promise Palace and the Scorpio is not far away. There is no problem with the emperor's stay here.

If there is something in Tianzhu Zong that needs to go back to the emperor, then the emperor can also go back quickly.

Yu Linfeng never said much, just watching the emperor, no matter whether or not the emperor stayed here, there is no problem.

Emperor Beibei thought for a moment, and looked at the enthusiasm of Nangong Dance, and then smiled: "If the two don't mind, then I will stay in the Promise Palace."

"do not mind."

Nangong dance waved her hand, and she was very satisfied with the emperor.

I believe that there will be emperor Beibei stay in the Promise Palace, and the red makeup will be more settled.

In fact, Emperor Beibei originally hoped to stay in the Promise Palace to accompany the Baili red makeup. Now that he has the retention of the Nangong Dance, he naturally pushes the boat, but his heart is extremely happy.

"You have just arrived on the road today. We have already prepared a place for you. You will live there these days."

Tomorrow, red makeup will follow me to practice. "Yu Linfeng slowed down.

Hearing the words, Baili red makeup nodded slightly, and Gong Sheng said: "Yes, Master."

Compared to the majesty of Yu Linfeng, Nangong Dance seems to be more enthusiastic.

"Red makeup, come, I will take you to the sleeping palace where you live." The face of Nangong Dance is full of excitement and smile. "That is what I specially designed for you."

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