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I never thought that this wind gorge still has the effect of this exercise. She wants to know how she will improve her practice here.

The core disciples around them were constantly looking at the hundred-mile red makeup, and their hearts were filled with envy and envy.

"I don't know who this woman is, even Xu Chang is very good for her." A woman said with emotion.

As everyone knows, Elder Xu has always been a very serious person, and rarely gives a good face.

In contrast, the attitude of the elders of Xu to the red makeup is much better than the treatment of them.

"Who told us not to have her background!" Another woman said.

"Now everything is still unknown. Look at her performance after the peak canyon. If there is no strength, even if the status is unusual, it will still be of no use."

Everyone nodded. They were the core disciples of the Promise Palace. They all passed the countless hard work before they got the status and treatment.

Now suddenly there is a woman who is unwilling to enjoy the same treatment as the core disciples, and their hearts will naturally rise up a bit of dissatisfaction.

The hundred-mile red makeup only felt a lot of eyes condensed on her body, although I don't know what the practitioners are talking about, but I also want to know what they are talking about.

If you change it to anyone, after you see your own efforts, the results you get will be at your fingertips, and you will not be balanced in your heart.

However, these are not the scope of her intentions.

Because, as long as you show your strength, all doubts will dissipate.

The next moment, the red makeup of Baili went straight into the wind canyon.

When the red makeup approached the wind canyon, she felt some hurricane blowing to her body.

However, her location is a certain distance from the inside of the wind gorge, so these hurricanes will not have much impact when they are blown onto her.

The hundred-mile red makeup slowly walked toward the windy canyon, and the closer it was to the inside of the wind gorge, the stronger the hurricane.

After careful perception, Bailihong makeup found that the strength of his body is constantly decreasing.

"This hurricane really can dissipate the power of the human body."

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup are full of amazing light, so mysterious hurricane, she really saw it for the first time.

"It’s amazing to have such a mysterious canyon inside the Promise Palace."

In the heart of the hundred-mile red makeup, there is no doubt that the Promise Palace can be one of the top ten sects in a short period of time. It really has its special heritage and means.

The hundred-mile red makeup slowly walked toward the peak canyon, letting the hurricane blow on his body.

The second-order power of the green environment is constantly decreasing, and the hurricane is very strong. It is the cultivator who wants to go forward with this hurricane, and it takes a lot of effort.

Not only that, the Baili red makeup was carefully perceived and found that Yuanli could not be used in this wind canyon.

As long as the use of Yuanli, the body's energy consumption rate will be greatly accelerated, and Yuanli will not play any role.

Therefore, they can only rely on their physical strength to stop the existence of this hurricane.

"It seems that this hurricane is only able to not only cultivate the strength but also have a certain benefit to the practitioners to improve their physical strength." Baili red makeup thought.

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