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"Chu Yingfei first provoked me in words and was forced to apologize to me.

Just as I was preparing to go to the Wind Canyon to practice, Chu Yingfei suddenly sneaked on me and was discovered by me and hid.

Now that Chu Yingfei was caught by me, she shouted that I was going to kill. She called Xu Changlaolin. ”

In some words, the red makeup of the hundred miles is light and smooth.

The exquisite and beautiful face is full of integrity, and the black and white phoenix is ​​also bright without a little dodge.

This matter is not provoked by her from beginning to end.

Since Chu Yingfei is now complaining to the wicked, she naturally has to tell all the truth and will not let Chu Yingfei fall into her.

After hearing the words of Bailihong makeup, Xu Hexuan’s eyes changed a little, and looked at Chu Yingfei with a bit of anger.

Chu Yingfei is a disciple of his men. He also has a certain understanding of Chu Yingfei.

As for the situation described by Bai Lihong makeup, it is really similar to the character of Chu Yingfei.

If this is the case, then he is not surprised at all.

Although it is just a hundred-mile red makeup that has already said this situation, in the heart of Xu Hexuan, I only think that this possibility is extremely great.

"Chu Yingfei, is this really the case?"

Xu Hexuan’s eyes fell on Chu Yingfei’s body, and even the majestic voice was a little bit cold.

If this matter is true, Chu Yingfei has been looking for trouble, and now he is still asking for help, then this Chu Yingfei is really a bit of a bone.

He has always believed that it is quite normal for contradictions and conflicts between practitioners.

However, since they are the core disciples of their Promise Palace, they need one person to do things alone, and they must not be timid and timid.

Chu Yingfei’s face is very complicated, and she constantly thinks about how to answer the questions of Xu’s elders at the moment.

From the attitude of Elder Xu, she was able to judge that if she admitted this, she was afraid that the attitude of Elder Xu would not be good.

Maybe, what punishment will you end up in the end...

"Xu elder, Baili red makeup can completely fall into me."

Chu Yingfei quickly made a sound, and his look was fixed. The look of the red makeup was full of anger.

"I saw a hundred-year-old makeup is a new disciple, so I want to know her.

I never thought about it, she simply dismissed me, and then the contradiction was getting bigger and bigger, and I wanted to kill me.

It is for this reason that I will call you Xu Elder! ”

After Chu Yingfei finished this paragraph, his eyes could not help but look to the core disciples around him.

Now she has no retreat, she can only hope that her attitude can let other core disciples understand her thoughts.

As long as these core disciples can now stand on her side, this time the crisis can be completely lifted.

Although the attitudes of these core disciples have always stood on the side of the red makeup, but everyone is a wall grass, as long as she is now full of black and white, she believes that other people will not find trouble.

After all, for many practitioners, Mingzhe is the best.

Taking advantage of Chu Yingfei's hypocrisy, and reversing the black and white appearance, it feels a lot of laughter.

She has seen many people who squint and say something, but in addition to Chu Yingfei, who can do this kind of realm, can't find a second person!

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