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This is the most important role.

She believes that Chu Yingfei will fall into a collapse when she sees her constant degradation.

For people like Chu Yingfei, only this way can make her suffer enough punishment.

Time passed quickly in the process of cultivation, and it was not long before it was in the evening.

Chu Yingfei did not wake up until now, the pain before was too powerful, so she could sleep for so long before she could wake up.

When Chu Yingfei wakes up, she only feels that she is exploding.

Looking at the red sky in the sky, she couldn't help but feel a touch of shock. The whole person has some fog in the clouds, and she doesn't understand what it is.

This confusion, but in a short time, Chu Yingfei soon understood.

The practitioners in the Wind Canyon are getting late, and everyone is ready to leave.

Originally, everyone still hesitated, whether it was with Chu Yingfei left, or Chu Yingfei was left here.

Fortunately, Chu Yingfei just woke up now, they do not have to consider this issue.

After Chu Yingfei saw that he was not dead, the whole person was relieved.

With a slight turn of sight, her gaze quickly stayed on the red makeup.

Once again, I saw a hundred-mile red makeup. Chu Yingfei couldn’t help but bite her teeth. If it’s not a hundred-mile red makeup, how could she fall so badly?

Even in the second of all people stunned the past, this can be described as a shame to the extreme.

She slowly stood up and looked angryly at the red makeup.

"Hundreds of red makeup, what did you do to me?" Chu Yingfei raised his voice and said with indignation.

The hatred of the bones in the eyes seems to be able to burn the red makeup of the hundred miles.

Hearing the question of Chu Yingfei, Bailihong makeup did not care at all.

She glanced at Chu Yingfei indifferently and mocked: "You don't understand what happened, even have a face to ask me?"

When the voice fell, Bailihong makeup no longer understood Chu Yingfei, turned and walked toward the palace.

She has been practicing in the Wind Canyon for a whole day today. Presumably, Emperor Beichen and three beasts are already waiting for her. It is time for her to go back.

Cultivation needs to come to Japan, and it will not be successful in a short period of time.

Chu Yingfei was so indifferent to seeing her attitude towards her own. She did not answer her own questions. The disdainful appearance seemed to be wasting energy even if she quarreled with her. The hatred in her eyes was even more intense.

"I have been in the Promise for so long, I have not seen anyone as arrogant as you!"

Looking at the back of the hundred-mile red makeup, Chu Yingfei shouted in anger.

It is a pity that the one-hundred-mile red makeup left to Chu Yingfei is always an indifferent back. Even after Chu Yingfei said this sentence, she never even returned, and her footsteps never stopped.

Upon seeing it, Chu Yingfei can only sigh with indignation.

In fact, as far as her current situation is concerned, she has no strength to find the trouble of red makeup.

After she woke up, she only felt that her body was weak and weak, and it was very difficult to stand still, let alone to find trouble.

However, in Chu Yingfei want to come, all this is coming to Japan.

As long as the red makeup continues to stay in the Promise Palace, there are many opportunities for her to deal with the red makeup in the future. There is no need to rush.

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