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Listening to the speeches of everyone, Bailihong makeup knows that everyone already knows the relationship between her and Emperor Beibei.

It was said that when Emperor Beibei took her back in the assessment contest, it was too high-profile.

Yesterday, after knowing her identity, the core disciple of the Promise Palace must have heard a lot of news after going back.

I believe that you can know the reason for this if you just inquire about it.

For this, the red makeup has never been concealed.

In fact, Emperor Beibei accompanied her to the Promise Palace, which was also seen by many practitioners.

"Since the red makeup has its own contract beast, why are there three contract beasts here?"

Everyone has a doubt in their hearts. I don’t know what the other two monsters are here to do?

Almost everyone's eyes are on the body of the three beasts. From the dynamic eyes of the three beasts, they can judge that the three beasts are not low.

For a time, many practitioners raised their minds.

Anyway, the red makeup of the hundred miles may only have a contracted beast, then the remaining two monsters are the things of the Lord.

If the level is high enough and suitable for them, maybe they will get the contract beast at a high price after they get close to the relationship with the red makeup.

That white tiger-like monster is obviously not too small, and it is not appropriate for them.

However, the other side of the black and white two identical monsters are small and exquisite, presumably still small.

The three beasts have long been accustomed to the observations of other practitioners, but when they go out with their masters, there are always many practitioners who want to fight their ideas.

However, these people do not blame their own abilities.

Except for the owner, no one can see it.

"It is really whimsical for these people to want to buy us as their contract beasts."

There is a taunting color in the little black eyes. Other than the master, others are not qualified to be their masters.

However, it is clear that these people themselves are unaware of this.

When they first went to Xueyuan, some people wanted to buy them forcibly, but the final end was very miserable.

"That is, they don't look at their ability to be a few pounds." Xiaobai's eyes were filled with disdain and ridicule.

It is said that it and Xiao Hei are also famous monsters. Who knows that these people do not know what they are, and always want to buy them easily, it is an insult to them.

In contrast, the white lion's mood is better.

It also heard conversations from other practitioners. Almost the practitioners think that it is the master's contract beast, and Xiaohe and Xiaobai are not.

After all, now its body shape has grown longer and it is not like a young beast, but a monster that grows up with the owner.

As he grew up, he found that his strength was constantly growing.

The quality of the whole body is constantly improving. It feels that as long as it continues to develop like this, it will become very powerful in the future.

The black lion and the little white pheasant look like this white lion, and their hearts are speechless.

This guy is now getting bigger and bigger, and more and more powerful, so there is no such thing as the original grievances. On the contrary, in front of them, they are proud of their existence.

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