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After a moment of staying in front of the door of the alchemy hall, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei walked in even when walking straight ahead.

The Baili red makeup itself has brought the alchemy furnace, so her plan is to buy some medicine in the alchemy hall and go back to practice.

When Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei approached the Alchemy Hall, many practitioners' eyes fell on the two.

I have to admit that the outstanding appearance of the two is really too eye-catching.

Therefore, no matter where they are, they are the focus of others.

The hundred-mile red makeup looked at the alchemy hall in front of her eyes. She didn't have much understanding of the alchemy hall. Therefore, when I saw it at the first sight, I couldn't help but look at it more.

In the line of sight, the left side of the cultivation hall is the place where the medicinal herbs are purchased, and the right side of the alchemy hall is the place where the medicinal materials are purchased.

The Alchemy Hall is not just one floor, but has a higher floor.

According to Emperor Beibei, all the pharmacists of the martial art will choose to refine the alchemy in the alchemy hall during the alchemy on weekdays.

Because there are other teachers and brothers here, there are also the existence of a mentor, which has a very good effect on their improvement of alchemy.

Therefore, if the red makeup is good, this higher floor should be the place where other refining pharmacists are doing alchemy.

Although I can't go to other floors to see it, but Bailihong makeup feels that it is also a very good feeling in this alchemy hall.

The eyes of the hundred-mile red makeup are set on the right side of the medicine area where the medicine is bought. She does not need to buy any medicine, because it requires more to buy the medicine directly.

Correspondingly, it is much simpler to buy herbs.

It’s just that Baili Red Makeup doesn’t know how to buy the medicine. I don’t know if it can be purchased with money.

At this point, Emperor Beibei did not say much.

Each martial art has a different setting, so she can't tell how the setting of the Promise Palace is.

However, in the case of Tianzong, even if you use gold coins, you can purchase the medicine.

However, there are not many practitioners who do this.

Because, in addition to the disciples of the alchemy hall need to buy medicine, other disciples of the cultivation hall are not needed.

After all, they will not refine the drug.

The Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei slowly walked to the drug collection area, and the three beasts followed closely.

After seeing the Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei, the practitioners in the medicinal material area couldn’t help but fall on the two people. I wonder what these two people are going to do?

Although everyone didn't know the identity of the red makeup at first, but after seeing the three contracted beasts behind the red makeup, they had certain speculations in their hearts.

After all, since the first thing happened, the three contracted beasts of the red makeup have become famous.

Therefore, nowadays, after seeing these three contracted beasts, the current practitioners can almost determine the identity of the red makeup.

Once the identity of the hundred-mile red makeup is determined, then the identity of the emperor is also a guess.

Tianzhu Zong Shaozong has always been famous, but it is not too much to actually see his own practitioners.

Because ordinary people are simply not qualified to contact the emperor, so many people can't recognize the DPRK even if they see it on weekdays.

But now there is a man around the red makeup, and the relationship between the two looks very close, everyone can only think of the emperor.

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