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Nangong Dance has always had a different preference for the development of explosives, but there are not many people who develop explosives in Shengxuan.

After all, most practitioners focus on the cultivator, and explosives are just an auxiliary item.

Yulin Feng is not unwilling to accompany Nangong Dance to develop together, but he has no talent in this respect, so although he listens to the complaints and dissatisfaction of Nangong Dance on weekdays, he can't help.

Now that this step has taken place, the county’s sorrowful red makeup and the focus of Emperor Beibei have been placed on the development of explosives.

As a result, Nangong Dance will not complain about him.

In general, all of this is going in the right direction.

As long as you save the scorpion of the red makeup, many problems can be solved one by one.

The three beasts are also full of enthusiasm. Although the masters are doing alchemy or drawing inscriptions, they can only look at them.

However, the explosives should not be too complicated, and they may be able to perform.

"Since it has been decided, let's go now!"

Nangong dance eyes are full of excitement, since they have decided the next direction, then they do not need to stay here.

Earlier, they were able to start rescue earlier.

With the voice of Nangong Dance falling, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei looked at each other and nodded.

The most important thing for them now is to rescue the Blue Clouds and the other things are no longer important.

The next moment, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei immediately followed the Nangong Dance and walked toward the palace of Nangong Dance.

At the back of the Nangong Dance Palace, there is a place where Nangong Dance specializes in the development of explosives.

In addition to the Nangong Dance on weekdays, almost no one went in.

Yu Linfeng did not go with the Nangong Dance trio. He had to tell him to find someone who can make explosives.

Moreover, this news needs to be very secretive.

After all, there is a bit of turmoil between the major forces that will be of concern to others.

At that time, the sudden attack of the Yue family will certainly be known to many people.

If the news of his search for explosives is known to others, it is easy for these people to associate things with him.

In fact, he is not afraid of the Yue family.

However, as the master of the red makeup, he naturally wants to think about the red makeup.

Now, it is not the time of exposure.

When Bailihong makeup entered the room of Nangong Dance to develop explosives, her eyes could not help but a touch of exclamation.

This can be really a small, well-equipped workshop!

Although she doesn't know much about the explosives, she can see it from the layout and the things that are full.

After seeing this scene, Emperor Beibei felt that Nangong Dance was not a general favorite in this respect.

The equipment is so complete, it can be seen that Nangong Dance has also spent a lot of thoughts on this aspect.

"Mother, you have a lot of things here!" Baili red makeup exclaimed.

Whether it is refining medicinal herbs or drawing inscriptions, there is a lot of things that are needed.

However, her arrangement is not as complete as the master.

Taking advantage of the fascinating look of Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei, Nangong Dance was also happy.

You know, she has always been proud of her own explosives workshop, but no one appreciates it on weekdays.

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