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Seeing the true feelings of Baili's red makeup, Nangong dance was also very moved, and immediately smiled and said: "I understand that when I have finished discussing with them, I will go back to rest."

When I heard the answer from Nangong Dance, I was relieved of the red makeup.

If the mother is sick because of her affairs, then she is the most unwilling to go, and she will be full of apologies for Master.

"Red makeup, then you should practice yourself on these two days!" Nangong dance with a bright smile on his face. "I will go back to rest after discussing with them, and come back to me after two ****."

Baili red makeup nodded slightly, "OK, Master."

Before the departure of Baili Red Makeup, she took a few books from the Nangong Dance Dynamite Workshop.

She has been learning the knowledge of explosives with middle-aged uncles these days. When she came to Nangong Dance in a few days, she believed that she had made some progress.

If you just read a few books, you will have such an understanding, and you will be surprised by the Nangong Dance.

Correspondingly, if she read more books, it would not be too strange to have performance.

Nangong dance is also very normal for the behavior of the red makeup. After all, this thing is a matter of her own makeup. She must be very anxious. It is extremely normal to urgently want to know the relevant information.

After seeing the explosives workshop, Bailihong makeup saw the jade wind, and Yulinfeng saw the red makeup leaving, and the eyes were filled with a doubtful color.

"Red makeup, is your master not in the explosives workshop?"

Baili red makeup smiled slightly: "The teacher is discussing with other people about making explosives. I can't help anything now, so I will leave first."

Listening to the red makeup of the hundred miles, Yu Linfeng nodded slightly, and the eyes were filled with the color of enlightenment.

"You should go back and have a good rest. I must have worked hard these days." Yu Linfeng cares.

Baili red makeup has not said much, from the attitude of Yu Linfeng can see that he is going to find a teacher.

The teacher has not rested for so many days, and the master’s concern for the teacher is also very worrying.

“The teacher said, she will go back to rest after discussing with them the things that make explosives.”

After a hundred words of red makeup left, he went to the direction of the palace, and the three beasts followed her behind.

In fact, the three beasts also hope that the red makeup can stay in the chaos of the ring for more time.

With the master's ingenuity, no matter what you study, you will be able to learn success.

It only takes a little more time.

Now, for the owner, the most important thing is that if she can leave time in this ring of chaos, they believe that this progress is the fastest.

However, from the current situation, it is obvious that there is no time to teach the master during the Nangong dance period, so the owner still has ample time.

The idea of ​​the hundred-mile red makeup is the same as that of the three beasts. Now she has not told the master and the teacher the secret of the ring of chaos. Therefore, she has to keep it secret for the time being.

After returning to the palace, the red makeup immediately entered the ring of chaos.

The three beasts are left in the palace and the wind is there. There may be other people coming here at any time. They need to inform the owner before others come, so that the master can come out of the chaos.

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