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When Baili Red Makeup and Nangong Dance went to the explosives workshop, Emperor Beiji also rushed to Tianzhuzong.

In the process of this road, Emperor Beibei has already caught up with black wood, so Heimu has not sue Situ Yan.

After knowing the news that Emperor Beibei came back alone, Situ Yan also had a confusing color in his eyes.

He knows that Emperor Beibei is the Promise Palace that goes with Baili Red Makeup. It is reasonable to say that he should come back together. How can he come back now?

Not waiting for Situ Yan to find the emperor, the emperor has already gone directly to Situ Yan’s palace.


After seeing Situ Yan, Emperor Beibei took a deep ritual.

Upon seeing this, Situ Yan smiled and waved his hand. He was extremely satisfied with the apprentice of Emperor Beibei, and he regarded him as his grandson.

What's more, there is another identity of Emperor Beibei, that is his granddaughter, and this relationship is very close.

"Get up, how do you come back first? Why didn't the red makeup come back with you?" Situ Yan asked.

Upon seeing it, Emperor Beibei opened the door and saw the mountain road: "Master, the sky tower returned the news."

With the voice of Emperor Beibei falling, Situ Yan’s expression suddenly changed, and the dawn was also instantly solidified.

"You said that the sky has returned the news?"

Situ Yan’s voice shook a little. He was always very concerned about the news of Mu Lingbing. He just waited for so long and never waited for any news. He was always in a hurry.

If he hadn't already asked for the news, he couldn't help himself.

Only with the complicated relationship between him and Yue Siqing, if he went, I am afraid that Yuesi will be more disadvantageous to them.

It is for this reason that he has been pressing his own impulses and has not gone looking for himself.

Suddenly I heard the news from Haotianlou, and his heart could not help but feel a little nervous.

At this moment, Situ Yan’s mood is the same as that of the original Baili Red Makeup who just knew about it.

He hopes this is good news and he is worried that this good news will turn into bad news.

If this is really bad news, then he would rather never know the news.

Emperor Beibei noticed the change of Situ Yan, and immediately nodded: "Yes, Haotianlou has already found out where the red makeup is."

Emperor Beibei knew Situ Yan's complicated mood at the moment, so he directly told Situ Yan of this final result, and also saved Situ Yan more worry.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Emperor Beibei, Situ Yan’s original hanging heart was also put down.

“Where are they being held?” Situ Yan asked.

When he thought that his daughter and son-in-law had been detained for so many years, his heart could not help but convuls.

If Mu Jinsi knows all this, he will be more painful than him!

Everything in the past was kept in the dark, and I didn't know these things at all, so I have been through it for so many years.

Since Mu Lingbing was married to Lan Yunxiao, then Mu Jinsi is sure to know this thing.

Thinking of this, Situ Yan’s mood has become more complicated.

If Mu Jinsi knows about this, she has never been able to ignore it for so many years.

However, until now he has never seen Mu Jinsi, nor has he ever heard of any news of Mu Jinsi.

The last time he went to find Yue Siqing, Yue Siqing did not talk about anything about Mu Jinsi.

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