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Behind the blue light smoke carriage, is a luxurious woman wearing a peony flower.

Although Baili red makeup is the first time I saw it, I also know that this is the mother of the blue light smoke - Yue Manhao!

The leader of this event!

If it is not the selfishness of Yue Mang, how can they fall to such a point?

In the end, the initiators of this matter are Yue Siqing and Yue Manhao!

The women of these two Yue family are snakes and hearts!

Before long, she will tear the elegance and nobleness that these people pretend to make their true face appear in front of everyone!

Yue Mang was originally in a very good mood, and took a look back at her home.

However, just as she was happy, she suddenly felt a chill in her back.

When she wants to see where the problem is, it has disappeared, as if it had never been seen before.

Yue Manzhen shook his head after thinking for a moment. Here is Yue Tiancheng. It is impossible for such a situation to happen. It must be that she has hallucinations.

Yue Mang shook his head and ignored the feeling of the previous one. With her noble status, who dares to hurt her?

Unless you don't want to live.

After the blue light smoke and Yue Mang’s team disappeared into sight, the red makeup was back.

Emperor Bei's hand has quietly placed on the shoulders of the hundred-mile red makeup, and he never thought that he would meet blue light smoke and Yue Mang here today.

For the first time, red makeup saw these two enemies with their own eyes.

"Yose, soon you will take back everything that belongs to you."

The voice of the emperor’s voice is affirmative and unquestionable. The things that are snatched from others are not their own.

Now the glory of blue light smoke and Yue Mang, will eventually be overturned in their hands!

His beloved lady was almost smashed by these despicable and shameless people, even if he would not let them continue to live so freely.

"I was just thinking about how painful they felt when they knew about the scenery of the Lanjing mad family."

The hundred-mile-red makeup bites the teeth, and each word seems to be pulled out of the teeth.

She is almost certain that every time Yue Mang and others return to the Yue family, Yue Siqing will definitely tell her sister about this news.

At the beginning, they persecuted themselves to these miserable enemies, but they have been so free in these years.

When I know this news, my mother must be bleeding.

The emotions that want to ruin all of this are spreading, but they can't do it.

The pain of blood and tears is not something that ordinary people can understand!

With the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup falling, the emperor's body shape was shocked, and the words of the hundred-mile red makeup gave him too much shock.

This kind of pain, he just thinks it is very uncomfortable, let alone the Blue Clouds couple?

"Yiang, all this pain will end."

Emperor Beibei clasped the hand of the hundred-mile red makeup, and the hand of the red-brown makeup was cold without a trace of temperature, just like her pale and painful face.

"I'm fine." The red makeup bite the tooth.

She knows that all the pain now has no meaning.

She has to solve it all by herself, and all these pains are returned to these dirty and shameless people thousands of times!

The emperor looked at the strong look of the hundred-mile red makeup, but his heart was distressed.

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