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Baili Red Makeup, Emperor Beibei and Moyun Sui Bing started the action in three ways.

Although Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were the first to come to Yuetiancheng, they also knew the exact location after viewing the map of Moyunyu.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei all the way to the direction of the Yue family, at this moment they have bought a shirt, even the face has changed a few more points.

There are self-confidence in the red makeup, so that after they are easy to accommodate, others will definitely not recognize their true appearance.

Mo Yunqi did not feel relieved that Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei acted alone, so he also sent his men to guide the direction of the two hundred red makeup.

The two hundred-red makeup people soon came to the high wall of the Yue family. The Yue family's door wall was extremely high, and its range was equally large.

Fortunately, under the guidance of the people of Mo Yun, they came to the nearest place to Yue Siqing.

The look of the hundred-mile red makeup followed the small black and white next to him. "Have you already recorded the distribution map of the Yue family?"

She had already let Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai remember the specific map. After so long, she believed that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai had already remembered their distribution clearly.

Listening to the red makeup, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded confidently. "Master, rest assured, we have all remembered."

With the look of Xiaohei and Xiaobai's self-confidence, there is a smile on the eyes of the red-brown makeup.

"If that's the case, then let's get started!"

According to what they are currently getting, the juniors of the Yue family have already rushed to the place where the dinner started, but Yue Siqing has not left yet, so it is not the time for them to start acting.

Mo Yunhao’s men have already left the Baili red makeup after telling this specific situation. The Baili red makeup and the emperor’s body wearing a black robe, jumped into the Yue family.

After entering the Yue family, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were slightly stunned, and it was discovered that a house not far from the front is the place where Yue Siqing lived.

The two immediately converge and hide in the darkness.

They are waiting for Yue Siqing to leave here and rescue the Blue Clouds at lightning speed.

Originally, according to their plans for the red makeup, they were prepared to use the explosives to lead Yuesi.

However, now that there is a dinner party, they don't need to be so expensive.

They just need to wait for Yue Siqing to leave and then sneak into the house.

Whether it is the hundred-mile red makeup or the emperor, there is still a certain strength for the hidden atmosphere.

Although the strength of Yue Siqing is very strong, but their means are also not small.

This is the case, and Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei also have some concerns.

According to the information they have learned, Yue Siqing is a very cautious person, and it will attract her attention if there is some wind and grass.

Therefore, they can only be careful to be careful to be discovered by Yue Siqing.

However, for this, Baili Red Makes also has her own way.

Once Yue Siqing discovered it, then she and Emperor Beibei directly entered the ring of chaos, so that they would not find them.

Overall, they are still confident about today's actions.

The gaze of the red makeup condensed into the house where Yue Siqing lived, and the candlelight poured out through the window.

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