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In a short period of time, many people in the Yue family have been infected.

For a time, they could not find a cure, and even this method of preventing infection did not.

Some doctors of Yuejia were inadvertently infected when they understood the illness. This is simply a rhythm of a large infection.

After seeing Yuejia became such a place, Yue Mang and Lan Lanyan were inevitably worried.

If this is contagious, then it is only the result of a life-threatening!

Yue Manzhen and Lan Lanyan also couldn't understand why this happened after they came to Yuejia.

However, at this moment, they are still the best policy.

If you lose your life here, it is really depressing.

When Yue Mang and Lan Lanyan resigned, the look of the Yue family was not good.

Today's Yue family, others simply avoid it.

Some of the younger children of the Yue family were so ugly when they saw that Yue Man and the blue light smoke were ready to leave.

In their view, this thing happened after Yue Mang and Lan Lanyan came.

What's more, everyone knows that Yue Manzhen and Lan Lanyan have the best relationship with Yue Siqing.

The other party placed a total of three powerful explosives. In addition to the two important places of martial arts hall and ancestral hall, the other place is the residence of Yue Siqing.

In comparison, the memory of Yue Siqing’s residence is the strangest place.

Therefore, many people feel that this matter and Yue Mang and the blue light smoke can not be separated.

Maybe... the other side is followed by Yue Manzhen and blue light smoke.

Now that something like this happened, Yue Man and the blue light smoke wanted to leave, and they were naturally not happy!

After hearing the words of Yue Mang and Lan Lanyan, the head of the Yue family was gloomy and a bit gloomy.

Not to mention whether this matter has anything to do with Yue Manzhen and Lan Lanyan. In any case, they are also part of the Yue family.

It’s so anxious to leave now, and the pain in his heart can be imagined.

However, when I thought about it, the Yuejia family did not say anything more, but just put a hand and let Yue Manyu leave.

If they continue to let them stay here, once they are infected, they are afraid that the blue family should be alarmed.

However, the family of Yuejia has a lot of dissatisfaction with Yue Mang.

Yue Mang can get such a position in the Blue House, but it is because of their Yue family.

Now that her family has an accident, Yue Mang is actually out of this place, and she is not afraid of it. It really makes people feel unhappy!

Yue Mang and Lan Lanyan also know that the Yue family are very unhappy when they look at them. When they left, almost everyone was indifferent to them.

However, even if they know this, they have to consider for their own lives.

"Smoke, let's leave like this, I am afraid that the Yue family will be very dissatisfied with us..."

Yue Mang’s face was a bit sad, and if it was because of such a thing that Yue Jia would no longer support them, it would be a huge loss.

Over the years, the blue family owners have been reluctant to hand over the position of the homeowner to the Lanjing mad.

If there is no support for the Yue family, and this is proposed, I am afraid that the blue family will be even more impossible.

The old guy is not dying, but he wants to wait for the blue cloud to come back, just out of reach!

There was no help from the Yue family at the moment, and they had little hope for a while.

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