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With the voice of Yue Siqing falling, the face of the Yue family is also ugly to the extreme.

He is most clear about how much medicine and poison is good for Yue Siqing.

Sometimes, some people who don't deal with it on the face, he will send a feeling of love, often the opponent does not know what happened and lost his life.

However, now Yue Siqing actually told him that the other party's poison is not weaker than him?

When did their Yue family provoke such a horrible opponent?

“I’ve said it before, there are other substances in the explosion, but there are still many people who **** it into the body.”

Yue Siqing's face is slightly dark, and her perception is extremely sensitive.

Although she did not judge before, she always felt that something was wrong.

Therefore, she has reminded the family members for the first time.

However, many people did not put what she said in her heart, only thought it was not a great thing.

Listening to Yue Siqing's words, Yue Jia's main face is even more ugly.

He remembered that before Yue Siqing did say it, but when the martial arts hall and the ancestral hall were bombed, he still had the mood to scruple these things, and his mind had already calculated the loss.

It is for this reason that he also forgot to remind the younger children.

As a result, the current situation has his reasons.

"I believe I should be able to crack this toxin, but it will take some time." Yue thinks slowly.

The Yue family suffered such a big loss, and her heart was not good.

The family of Yuejia deeply looked at Yue Siqing and took a picture of Yue’s shoulder. He said, “All depends on you!”


Bailihong makeup constantly analyzes the blood of Lanyun and Mulingbing in the ring of chaos, and learns the composition of toxins.

After more than a decade of imprisonment, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing have completely become a poisonous person.

As long as their blood is dripped on the plants, the plants will wither and turn black.

It is only from this point that we can see how terrible they are.

The red makeup of the hundred miles covered the quilt for two people, they have not had a good rest for too long.

This relaxation has not been seen for more than a decade.

Therefore, they have a very long sleep time.

On weekdays, as long as Yue is not happy, he will torture them at any time.

Therefore, their spirit has never been relaxed.

Bailihong makeup found that they were not only physically injured, but also mentally exhausted. It will take some time to recover.

His eyes fell on the faces of the sleeping Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao. The red makeup of the blue sky was very handsome.

In the past, she heard that the blue sky and the glory of the wind, the wind and the thousands of girls, now see, even after many years of torture, his handsome still has not dissipated.

Not only that, Mu Lingbing is also a real beauty.

Baili red makeup looks at himself in the mirror and can find his similarities with Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunqi.

However, even when the two were sleeping, the brows were tightly wrinkled, as if they were painful.

The hundred-mile red makeup smoothed the brows for the two, only hope that the pain can be completely away from them in the future.

The three beasts silently watched the hundred red makeup to do all this, and the heart was filled with emotion.

In this process, Emperor Beibei and Situ Yan also successfully arrived in Tianzong.

Situ Yan did not hesitate to take them back to their bedroom.

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