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This is what Mu Lingbing is most moved and thankful for.

She used to think about the attitude of Lan Lanyan to Yue Mang.

If she really has the chance to see her daughter in the future, if she blames herself like the blue light smoke, then can she bear it.

There is no doubt that she can't bear it.

However, since I have been acquainted with Blue, I have never complained about half a point.

On the contrary, relying on them to care so much, they can feel the strong feelings of relying on them.

This is the greatest gift for her.

She has lived with her heart for so many years, and her daughter is a true angel.

If she and her parents like Lan Yunqi, they can accept it.

Then, Stuart’s father, what reason does she have to accept?

When Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei heard the words of Mu Lingbing, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that their previous fears are superfluous.

Mu Lingbing is a reasonable person, and all this has already been understood.

"Mother, you are awesome, grandfather will be very happy!"

The hundred-mile red makeup clung to Mu Lingbing, and his face was covered with a smile of joy.

Since Mu Lingbing has accepted it, their family is getting closer and closer.

Mu Lingbing backed with a hundred-mile red makeup, and the smile also showed the taste of happiness.

Today, she really feels that everything is hard work.

Everything has gotten better since they left the Yue family.

"Dependent, I want to wait until my toxin is completely removed before going to see him.

In my current state, after all, it is somewhat inappropriate. "Mu Lingbing thought for a moment, sinking out."

She is much better now than she used to be, but she is still a sick man.

She has lived so much and has never seen her father.

Now that she finally has the opportunity to meet her father, she naturally wants to show her good side.

Listening to the words of Mu Lingbing, Bailihong makeup also understood the idea of ​​Mu Lingbing. When he nodded, he smiled and said: "Okay..."

Lan Yunyu looked at Mu Lingbing, who is the closest person to Mu Lingbing, and naturally knows the idea of ​​Mu Lingbing.

The former Mu Lingbing was very worried about his own life. Now all this has been solved. He is also happy from Mu Lingbing from the bottom of his heart.

On this day, the four people of Baili Red Make-up talked a lot about the things that happened in these years, how the Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei were related.

Mu Lingbing is obviously very interested in the things of the red makeup, she wants to know everything about the red makeup.

In this regard, the hundred-mile red makeup is not hidden, and all her experiences in the past years have been said.

When Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing knew how the red makeup of Baili had grown from the general of the generals of Fengbo to the present, the heart was full of shock.

Originally, they thought that the road of red makeup was very smooth, but it was never thought that this was a road full of thorns.

The recognition with Situ Yan is only after the efforts of Baili Red Makeup have reached such a level.

After learning about this experience, Lan Yunqi and Mu Lingbing have not only appreciated the Baili red makeup.

The hardships experienced by these years of red makeup, how strong her heart is, let them shock.

However, more is proud.

This is their daughter!

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