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"This time the drug sect found an excellent reason, so that we could not find a reason for rejection.

At the beginning, when the medicinal lord was chatting with Master, he said that he had the opportunity to let the two sects learn from each other and promote the efforts of the two sectarian pharmacists.

Master only thought that the other party was a slap in the face, and did not think much and agreed.

It seems that the medicinal lord has already measured all of this already, so now we can only accept it.

After all, it is impossible to speak without a letter as a master. ”

There was a bit of helplessness in the eyes of Emperor Bei, and he never thought that the medicine would actually make such a method.

In the eyes of the hundred-mile-red makeup, there is a touch of enlightenment. This joke is a joke, and the promise can be regarded as a promise.

This is not the fault of Situ Yan.

When the other party is joking and saying such a thing, anyone will be perfunctory, but it will only be regarded as a joke, and will not be taken care of.

Who would have thought that the drug sect would now grasp this point, and if Tianzhuzong refused, it would be lacking the style of the big faction.

It can be accepted in this way, it is really a kind of discomfort that people have eaten flies.

"It seems that the other party was originally set up, this plan is that they have long thought of it." Baili red makeup slowly.

The heads of many powers are the generations of old tycoons. It is really impossible to relax with such people.

Otherwise, you may swallow yourself if you are not careful.

Emperor Beibei nodded slightly. "It is true now, but we have no way."

"Although there are alchemy halls in Tianzhuzong, the number of disciples of the alchemy hall is not much. Even if the medicinal herbs all take away the refining pharmacists in Zongmen, should they not be enough for them?"

The bluish red makeup brows slightly wrinkled, and there was a confusing and incomprehensible eye.

The position of the Alchemy Hall in Tianzhu Zong is very important. Most of the medicinal herbs needed for the cultivation of the disciples are borne by the Alchemy Hall.

If the disciples are recruited by the medicinal sect, the impact is great.

"Our Scorpio is a leader in the martial art, and alchemy is also very outstanding.

The medicinal tract is trying to get out of us because we have enough influence.

Once our Zongmen refining pharmacists are attracted to them, other pharmacists' refining chemists will naturally have other ideas.

Moreover, as a result, many refining pharmacists will go to the reputation of the drug sect. ”

Emperor Beibei analyzed the relationship with Bailihong makeup, and he never thought that the medicinal tract would be so deep.

However, this situation can only continue this way.

"So how is it arranged?" Baili red makeup asked curiously.

"The medicinal sect will send some excellent refiners to compare with the refining pharmacists in Zongmen. If we win, the medicinal herbs will give us a lot of remedies."

If we lose, then we can't stop the refining pharmacists who are taking the test to follow their departure. "The emperor is slow and slow."

"So, we can only win and lose in this match. If you lose, the loss is not big, but it is the face of the martial art."

"I know."

Baili Red Makeup is also very familiar with such things. Although Yao Zong has found a name, this move is tantamount to provocation.

If Tianzhu Zong fails, it is really dull.

It seems that this matter really makes the grandfather and Beibei headache.

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