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She never thought that Master would really be her mother.

I still remember that from childhood to large, there are countless people who pursue Master, but Master always likes to look at the sky quietly.

After she was sensible, she understood that it was Master's thoughts.

There is always a person in Master's heart, but whenever she asks Master, Master is always reluctant to say.

She looked at Master and silently wiped her tears, watching the pain and hatred in Master's eyes.

From that time on, she wanted to find out who was disappointing Master.

Her master is so good, what does the other person disappoint with her?

Now, this person is standing in front of himself, but Mu Lingbing has an impulse to cry.

Yes, it is such a talent that really deserves Master.

In contrast, those who pursued Master before were all unworthy.

This person is his father.

She has been trying to find it all these years, and I want to ask why I don’t want my father when I gave birth.

For a time, Mu Lingbing and Situ Yan looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Baili red makeup and other people can feel the shock and excitement of Mu Lingbing and Situ Yan, all quietly and never bother.

For a long while, Situ Yan’s faint opening, his lips still shaking, “Lingbing...”

"Sorry these years...I am sorry."

Sorry, there are too many flaws.

When he was arrogant, he always thought that he would make his beloved and his children happy in the future and become the happiest person in the world.

However, it is because of him that his loved ones and daughters have been suffering for many years.

Sorry, I haven't taken care of you since I was young.

Sorry, I have suffered so much.

Sorry, I found you so late.

Sorry, let Mu Lingbing's tears in his eyes collapse and break the bank.

Too many grievances, too many doubts, too many sadness at this moment with her tears venting, but looking at the eyes of this man with red eyes, her heart is still soft.

That is her father.

The father she has been trying to find for so many years!


Mu Lingbing whispered out loudly. She once thought about seeing her father in the future, and she must ask her carefully.

Since she was left behind, she can never recognize him again!

However, at the moment of seeing Situ Yan, in the moment of hearing sorry, all her unwillingness and grievances have dissipated.

Listening to this coveted call, Situ Yan shuddered and raised his hand and wiped away the tears in his eyes.

Mu Lingbing was put into the arms of Situ Yan, and could not help but cry.

What has happened in these years has long caused her to collapse, but she has been reluctant to show it.

At this moment, she can't help it anymore.

Situ Yan patted the back of Mu Lingbing, his voice was low and sour. "It has been my fault to grievances over the years."

If he was not so stupid at the beginning and was not deceived by Yue Siqing, then all this would not happen.

The three most important women in his life have been so embarrassed and uncomfortable because he has suffered too much.

Mu Lingbing shook his head and his voice whimpered: "Hey, I know you don't want to."

Her father was never a negative man, but it was a pity that her mother had been separated for so many years because of a misunderstanding.

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