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The surprise in Qin’s eyes was fleeting, and it was restored again and calm and serene.

"Since the lord has agreed, you should participate after the start of this refining pharmacist contest.

However, you can prepare the alchemy furnace and herbs needed for this alchemy? ”

This refining pharmacist contest is not held inside the Zongmen, but between the two sects.

Of course, it is good to say that communication is good, and that it is not good to call competition.

Every disciple who participated in this contest represents the face of Zongmen.

If you have a foreign appearance, you can lose not only your own face, but also the face of the sect.

As one of the four main halls, he also has a lot of understanding of the inside of the refining pharmacist contest.

After the end of this refining pharmacist contest, it is inevitable to tear the skin.

Until then, all forces will understand the situation of this refining pharmacist contest.

Therefore, there is no mistake.

"Lord, you can rest assured, I am ready."

The exquisite and innocent face is full of self-confidence. As early as when I knew the refining pharmacist contest, the red makeup was ready.

Although the medicine needed to refine the six medicinal herbs is slightly expensive, she has already prepared it with the help of Emperor Beibei.

After seeing the confident and full-fledged appearance of Baili’s red makeup, Qin’s eyes that had been worried were quietly dissipated.

Bailihong makeup is the granddaughter of the lord, and her performance has been very good.

Since the lord agreed to participate, I must have some confidence.

Even if you can't get good grades, you won't make a mistake.

Perhaps, the Sovereign is trying to take advantage of this opportunity to make a hundred years of red makeup and experience it.

"You are just waiting behind me. Waiting now, the refining pharmacists who are going to take the refining pharmacist assessment have not come. After they come, the refining pharmacist contest will begin."

In the eyes of Qin Lan, there is a light of appreciation and kindness. With the identity of Baili Red Makeup, I have always been able to follow the rules, without any arrogance and arrogance.

This is what it is, and it is already very enjoyable.

"Yes, Lord."

Baili red makeup stood quietly behind Qin Lan, and in this case, there must be no mistakes.

Soon, the three elders have brought the new practitioners who participated in the examination of the refining pharmacists.

If it is changed to the past, it is now the refining pharmacist assessment.

Only this time there is a refining pharmacist contest before the refining pharmacist's assessment.

If Tianzhuzong loses in this refining pharmacist contest, then it is likely that most of the refining pharmacists who are preparing to pass the assessment into Tianzhu Zong will follow the Yaozong.

A group of young and tender faces slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone. Every time there are new disciples, they will always arouse the attention of their disciples.

"Hey, that woman who is wearing a Furong color dress is so beautiful!"

"Yeah, if she can pass the examination of a refining pharmacist, then it will be our sister!"

"I want to chase her!"

The joyful and excited voice sounded, and everyone’s eyes fell on the fresh faces.

The red makeup of Baili also looked at the newcomers. Sure enough, she saw Liu Yuyue in the crowd.

Liu Yuyue is still in the same past, wearing a hibiscus color dress, looks outstanding, temperament is gentle, people are unforgettable.

And when everyone looked at her, Liu’s eyes were searching in the crowd...

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